Get your friend’s child(ren) to learn from experts at 98thPercentile and unlock benefits
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3 Offer Free Classes
Your referral will get free trial classes before making any purchase (NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED)

4 Earn
After completion of a successful purchase by your referral, you will earn bonus points
Points or Credit

($80 x 5 = $400) = $650
($80 x 5 = $400) +
($100 x 5 = $500)=$1150

10 Parent x 2 Students x 4 Programs = 80 Purchases
5 Purchase x $50 = $250 Bonus +5 Purchase x $80 = $400 Bonus + 70 Purchases x $100 = $7650

Your Minimum Estimated Income is $7650
98thPercentile embarked its journey in 2018 with the vision to help students attain the best online learning experience. We strive hard and we take immense pride in our students' achievements and it acts as a major driving force too. Nothing would have been possible without our parents' support and reviews. We thank all parents and guardians for being our polar star and helping us to sail to the right direction. Keep Loving us and spread your experience with your friends, family and loved once, it means a lot to us.