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Elevating Education for Academic Excellence

Top Web Development Course: Website Development & Certification

According to market prediction it is expected that 16% growth is projected for Web developers by 2032. Web development remains the perfect smart career choice for many digital enthusiasts. It is observed to be one of the fastest growing occupations. Is your curious mind wishing to enroll in a top web development course?

98thPercentile got you covered!! Our motto is to provide elite courses to students from an early age so that the child can rock their career in the tech world.

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In simple words this course teaches topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, python and additional skills like project-based learning, crafting resumes with the technical skills acquired and entrepreneurship skills.

98thPercentile imparted this course into student curriculum from an early age with real world projects. Key topics covered in this course are:

  • Website designing.
  • Creating their own web page.
  • Creating websites to add features and products.
  • Website designing with contacts, feedback forms and payment integrations.

98thPercentile is leading as the best online course provider with over 500+ python and JavaScript developers and 8000+ coding projects.

Students are introduced to basic concepts initially and with each grade advancement the projects are upskilled. Find the details of course curriculum here:





Build a website

Students must create a birthday party invitation on a website. It covers concepts of the website designing like header, footer, colors, image, text buttons, shapes and more


Create a blog

Students showcase their various website designing skills using images, videos, strips, boxes, menus, different pages along with other skills.


Online Store

Students use concepts like header, footer, colors, HD background and HD product images.


Advanced online store

Students use concepts of website designing like header, footer, colors, HD backgrounds, labels, buttons and content manager with contact & feedback forms and payment integration.


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Advantages of Web Development Certification for Kids

Web development certification opens door to wide range of opportunities in tech field.

The child will get a hands-on fundamental experience in both back end and front developments.

Some of the key benefits are as follows:

  1. Improved skill set.
  2. Keeping up with ever evolving technological trends.
  3. This certification course allows a child to choose the right career in the tech world.
  4. Student experiences working on real time projects.

Why 98thPercentile for Web Development Course?

98thPercentile offers online coding programs for students from an early age. Foundation for website building is laid from grade 1 and 2 which means students will get to know about website functioning, introduction to coding and they will also learn about block-based programming.  

We provide these courses with an expertly designed curriculum structured by the elite experts in the field. With every grade there will be an upgrade in the curriculum and the course. For example, grade 1 student learns about basics of website building and as the student finishes this curriculum the student is certified and promoted to further grade curriculum when students learn about java, HTML and CSS basics to strengthen their foundation for website development. Once the student completes the curriculum, they are certified and presented with course certifications. 

Our Program Features:

Class recordings

1:1 parent counselling

1:1 Catch-Up

Show & Tell

Module Specific



What will your kid gain from this course?

The child will gain hands-on experience working on real time projects and upskill their technical skills by keeping on track with tech trends.

  • Child will understand how to use developmental tools.
  • Problem-solving skills are enhanced to a greater level.
  • Increases creativity as they design attractive websites.
  • Will be an all-rounder as the child will develop skills required for front end and back end.

Who should learn this web development course?

Children who wish to start their programming journey from an early age can start initially with website designing. Here they will learn about HTML, CSS, JavaScript and python. Irrespective of what grade they are in, they can enroll and start experiencing real world tech projects.

It means creating, developing and maintaining websites which also includes web designing, programming and managing databases.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the basic main technologies used in website development.
Yes using this certificate on resume will get you recognized with extra skill set in tech world.
Certification course will teach coding skills and improve problem solving skills and increase career opportunities
Yes, upon finishing the curriculum you are given a certificate and promoted to further grade.