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Elevating Education for Academic Excellence

Best Python Programming Course and Learn Python Online Easily 

Did you know that python’s journey started in the late 1980’s and it was brought into limelight in 2000’s with the introduction of 2.0 and 3.0 versions? By 2010 python grew to become one of the biggest giants in programming language and competed with Java and Java Script.

Best Python Programming Courses_ Learn Python Online Easily-1 (1)

Python is a high-level programming which is popular for its simplicity. It can be easily read and understood by developers. It is easy to use, especially for beginners, it facilitates them to write code much quicker than expected. It is an optimal choice for both beginner and experienced developers as it uses clear and straight forward syntax.

To help beginners and young developers aiming to learn python, 98thPercentile is providing the best python programming course to children. This course teaches:

  • Block programming where children create games.
  • Covers interesting topics of Python like Strings, Conditional Statement, Lists, For Loops and Functions to create python program.
  • Students will work on real world projects.

98thPercentile is ranked the best online platform to learn programming for students from an early age. Students will work on projects specified to their grades and upon finishing the module students are recognized with a certificate

Grade Project Concepts
5-6 Caesar Cipher The concept is about encryption/decryption. Students learn interesting topics of Python like Strings, Conditional Statement, Lists, For Loops and Functions to create the Caesar Cipher Python Program.
7-8 Hangman Students will use topics of Python like Functions, Strings, Conditional Statement, Lists, For Loops and While loops in creating the Hangman Game.


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Benefits of Python Certification for Kids

Python is ruling the world now. It is a high-level language used by beginners and experienced developers worldwide.

When a student finishes a certification course on python it means the student is one step ahead in the tech field.

  • Kids have a better understanding of real-world programming language.
  • Students get the upper hand in terms of acquiring technical skills.
  • All the kids who acquire a certificate get a chance to create a standing out resume for their college applications.
  • Kids can be approved as pro coders as they can write code quicker and more efficiently.

Why choose 98thPercentile to Learn Python Programming Online?

98thPercentile follows an expertly designed curriculum to teach students grades wise and not overwhelm them with subject complexity. Its online coding program offers:

  • 1:1 Catch-Up Classes
  • 1:1 Parent Counselling
  • Small group classes
  • Class recordings
  • Monthly show & tell
  • Module specific certificates
  • Critical thinking questions & Capstone projects

98thPercentile teaches students from basic where student starts coding journey from scratch. Python is taught to students with specially designed projects. It takes one step at a time and once the student finishes the program, they are advanced to the next grade.

What will your kid take away from this course?

The child will learn high-level programming which is popular for its simplicity. By end of the course the child will learn about topics like:

  1. How to build a program that encrypts and decrypts a message.
  2.  The child will experience real-world technical projects.
  3. Acquires fundamental knowledge of Strings, Conditional Statement, Lists, Loops and functions in python.
  4. Understands role of python in tech innovations.
  5. Child will understand how to use developmental tools

Who should Learn Python Programming Courses?

Students who wish to be an Optimus prime in coding and start their programming journey as a beginner from an early age can opt for python courses online. Python is the best choice for beginners as it is simple and easy to understand. So those who wish to upgrade their skill set, add their technical skills to their resume and standout in college applications can quickly enroll and start their programming journey.

All the coders dust out your keyboards and get ready to code like a pro.

Yes, python is easy to learn making it the best pick for beginners. It is highly advanced hence making it an asset in programming language for developers at all levels
It's a definite yes. Python certification will enhance your technical skills which you can add to your resume.
No, you don't need any prior experience in programming to learn python.
Some of the best online platforms are 98thPercentile, Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy.
Once the student finishes the curriculum, they are promoted and presented with a certificate.