What are Bugs in Computer?

what are bugs in computer

We have heard of bugs in real life but what is a bug in a computer? Let’s find out. The term bug was given by Grace Hopper who worked at Harvard. He saw a moth stuck between two relays of the computer and came up with the term.  

Bug Meaning in Computer 

Bugs in computers generally mean a coding error or software glitch while debugging is when a bug is identified and fixed before it reaches the user. Understanding different categories of defects, identification, and efficient resolution is essential for individuals involved in software development. These are all covered in the coding program of 98thPercentile so check it out now. 

Bug types  

There are mainly 4 types of bugs in computer- 

  • Syntax Errors- These take place when code violates the rules of the programming language, such as missing semicolons or mismatched parentheses. 
  • Logic Errors- These errors occur when reasoning is flawed and there are mistakes in algorithms resulting in incorrect results. 
  • Runtime Errors- These errors may occur when the execution of a program is done which needs a quick fix. 
  • Semantic Errors- These occur due to incorrect assumptions or misunderstood requirements which result in difficult behavior. 

A bug is an unforeseen issue with computer hardware and software. Some may have a low impact while some may have a disastrous result. The trick is to identify the bug as soon as possible, understand the root cause of the problem, and then fix it. 

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Identifying Bugs 

There are many procedures to identify a bug. One needs to be careful though and isolate the bug once it is identified so that it can be fixed otherwise it can turn out to be a problem and get tangled up with other properly performing programs. 

  • The nature and location of bugs can be determined by the error messages generated by compilers. 
  • Exposure and isolation of bugs involves testing under controlled conditions. 
  • IDE or other debugging tools help to identify and check the program flow to locate the exact location of bugs. 

Methods to Fix Bugs 

There are various ways of fixing bugs in computers.  

  • Syntax Errors- Correcting the code as per syntax rules fixes syntax errors. 
  • Logic Errors- This necessitates a careful examination of the program's logic and method, which is typically possible by using step-by-step debugging tools. 
  • Runtime Errors- Runtime errors are controlled through the implementation of exception-handling techniques to take care of unusual conditions during execution. 
  • Semantic Errors- This needs reassessing the requirements and design of the code to match the intended functionality; this frequently requires working with stakeholders to define expectations. 

Developers can improve program stability, expedite the software development process, and provide software that meets user expectations by taking a scientific approach to finding and fixing bugs. 98thPercentile offers coding program where a variety of topics are covered. Join the 2 weeks free trial classes now. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q.1: What is bug meaning in the computer? 

Ans- Bugs are basic errors that need to be fixed since they cause problems in the smooth functioning of computers. 

Q.2: Give one example of bugs in a computer. 

Ans- Typos are a kind of bug. 

Q.3: What is known as a virus in the computer? 

Ans- Viruses in computers are programs that are designed to target and attack software. 

Q.4: What is the difference between a bug and a virus? 

Ans- A bug is an error or glitch whereas a virus is designed to corrupt a system or software. It is not the same thing. 

Q.5: How did the term bug come into the world of computers? 

Ans- A moth was stuck between the hardware of a computer and causing errors. They had to remove it for proper functioning and the name ‘bug’ stuck.

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