Strategies for Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions

algebraic expressionsDo you feel exhausted whenever you come across algebraic expressions?  Do you find them boring? Well, you may have yet to find a fun way to solve them. The algebraic expressions are nothing but a game of hide and seek between constants and variables. While constants show their values the variables constantly seek for their values and can have any value. 

Following the right strategy can turn your mathematical grinds into a fascinating treasure. We have curated some amazing and proven steps to follow while doing subtractions of algebraic expressions. Are you excited to learn? Be with us, take notes, and elevate your mathematical skills. 

What Are Algebraic Expressions?

Algebraic expressions are mathematical expressions formed of constants, variables, and operators. Considering to be familiar with constant numbers and operators lets us understand what variables are. 

Variables are the expressions used to represent unknown numbers that take any or some conditioned(in the case of algebraic equation) values. 

Each of the expressions separated by operators is called a term. 

Steps for Substracting Algebraic Expressions:

  • Determine the like terms:  Like terms are the terms that have the same variable. For eg:  Let

E1: 3x+4y+23 be expression 1


       E2: 5x+32 be expression 2

       3x and 5x are like terms but   4y and 5x are not like terms. 

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  • Arrange the expressions: Arrange the expressions in proper order. If E2 is to be subtracted from E1, write E1-E2.

      So we will get


      =(3x+4y+23)  -  (5x+6y-32) 

      =E3 (let this to be expression 3)

  •  Distribute the “-” (negative) operator properly. 

 From the E3 we get,

E3= (3x+4y+23)  -  (5x+6y-32) 

   = 3x+4y+23-5x-6y+32

   = E4 (let this be expression 4)

  • Combine Like terms: combine the like terms from E4. 

E5= (3x-5x) + (4y-6y) + 23+32. 

  • Perform the summation of coefficients and the constants

From E5, 

Add the coefficients of the like terms 

eg:  for the variable x:  3 and 5 are coefficients so we get (3+5)x i.e. 8x.

And for variable y: 4 and 6 are coefficients so we get (4-6)y i.e.     -2y.

Add the constants: for E5  constants are 23 and 32; adding the two constants we get  55

  • Final result: Assemble the expression to get the result. For the above example, the result is 8x-2y+55. 

Tips to Ace Your Calculation and Avoid Silly Mistakes while Substracting Algebraic Expressions:

  • Practice regularly with different problem formats.
  • Use parenthesis and distribute sign operators across parenthesis properly.
  • Make sure you are arranging the expressions for substarcting in the right order. 
  • Always separate the unlike terms using parentheses and combine the like terms. 
  • Simplify the result after calculation.
  • Make a habit of rechecking your calculations after completion.

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FAQs on Subtraction of Algebraic Expression:

Q1: What are like terms?

Ans: Like terms have the same variable. Example, 3x and -4098x.

Q2: How to start the subtraction questions of algebraic equations?

Ans: To start a subtraction problem the first step is to arrange the expressions using parenthesis.  For example, if 2x+1  is to be subtracted from 3x we will arrange it as (3x)-(2x+1).

Q3: Can constants be subtracted from variables?

Ans: No, constants are subtracted from other constants only. 

Q4: How to avoid calculation mistakes for coefficients?

Ans: Take every unlike term inside different parenthesis to avoid variable blunders or mixing different variables. 

Q5: How to handle multiple parentheses in subtraction?

Ans: To avoid errors, distribute the negative signs correctly over parenthesis. Keep regular practice to avoid silly mistakes.

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