Picture Composition Revision Tips - 98thPercentile

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After careful exploration of a picture and writing picture composition, the crucial question is: what should you do next? In response, revise your writing and edit if required. Revision is the time during writing when you can carefully go back over your document to rectify any problems that might confuse or trip up your reader. Even though the word itself can be intimidating, revision refines our writing skills.

So let us explore some amazing strategies that will help your initial draft transform into a masterpiece that attracts and engages readers. 

Why Revision of Your Writing is Important?

Before jumping into finding the strategies for revision, it is important to understand why revisioning your writing is important. Revision can be beneficial in many ways, some of the important benefits are: 

  • Enhances Clarity:  Revising your writing can improve clarity and coherence by analyzing the relevancy and logic behind your content. 

  • Enhances General Quality: Revising the content allows you to enhance the overall quality of your writing by polishing the language and eliminating unnecessary details. 

  • Impactful Storytelling: By revising, you can enhance your narrative, by making it more engaging, relatable, and memorable.

Tips and Hacks for Revising Your Writing:   

  • Read it aloud: Reading your writing can help you identify clumsy choices of phrasing and unclear sentences for improvement.

  • Ask for feedback: Asking your friends, teacher, or any other person to review your writing to get constructive feedback can be very helpful for new writers. 

  • Focus on tone: Ravise your content keeping in mind what tone you want to express your writing in. Make sure words are chosen to express the emotions you want readers to feel. 

  • Ensure the structure of your writing: Revising will help you identify if you have maintained a good structure and consistency of writing or not and help you improve your narrative

  • Time management: Make sure you plan your writing in a way that you can have enough time to revise your writing and polish it for better engagement of readers with your picture composition. 

Congratulations, you have learned all the important tips to revise your picture composition. What’s next? Book our free 2-week demo class on English and translate your writing into a masterpiece that changes readers’ insight.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How do students strategize in drafting/writing compositions?

Ans: Students should first analyze all important factors and ideas they want to express through their writing and then start drafting their ideas using the right choice of words. 

Q2: What are the recommended revision activities?

Ans: The recommended revision strategies include reading the content loud, checking its relevancy and choice of language, and polishing the expression of the writer's idea by rectifying the tone of the writing.

Q3: Why are picture compositions important for school students?

Ans: Picture composition helps students improve their creativity, imagination, and language proficiency. 

Q4: How do I make my composition more engaging? 

Ans: Try to express your thoughts in a way that inspires the readers to think of the subject topic and make a point of view.  Try to add sensory details and clarity to your content. 

Q5: How to proofread my writing?

Ans: Read your writing after finishing and polish your writing. 

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