Reading Apps for Teens: Improving Reading Efficiency and Motivation

Today’s  Technology Brings Distractions and Challenges to Teens’ Reading Efficiency, But You can use it to Your Advantage!

reading app for kidsReading App For Kids

Reading Apps Provide Opportunities for This Important Skill

By the time a child reaches his or her teenage years, often his or her excitement about and motivation for reading has dissipated.  English reading material can be perceived as monotonous, dull, and irrelevant to today’s culture. But reading apps (applications) such as Speed Read, Spdr, and Spreeder can make practice with reading efficiency fun and reignite a love of learning! Here is a look at these three options.

Speed Read

This app is rated 4.4 out of 5 stars and is certainly worth a go! It uses parts of speech games to challenge you to assemble random words into proper sentences in a flashcard format. Practice with keen focus and problem solving together train you to attend to the reading material and understand it.

It comes with a complimentary speed reading course and access to a variety of free, leveled public-domain books.

Compatible with iOS 8.0 or later, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Android devices.

Reading App For Kids to improve comprehension skills

Reading App For Kids:

Spdr Reading App

With an overall rating of 4.1 out of 5, this app is also worth exploring. Like Speed Read, Spdr features a display of each word one by one but includes punctuation pauses that make the practice feel more like natural reading.

You can also copy links or texts into Spdr to practice any text of your choice.

Claiming to be the first app ever to make reading on Apple Watch truly delightful, it is also compatible with Android, iOS 11.2, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Spreeder Reading App

This is another reading app for kids with an overall 4.1 out of 5 rating it is quite attractive. This app claims that you can read everything 3x faster, and offers a customizable tool that allows you to read at a comfortable pace. It accesses all of your web pages and e-books in your cloud library and provides guided training to improve reading speed and comprehension. It also provides a data tracker so that you can track your reading and improvement.

Spreeder syncs across Android, iPhone, iPad, and desktop devices, and the web.

As a parent, you are well aware of the critical importance of a quality English Language Arts education for your child. 98thPercentile is here to help your child succeed! We deliver quality instruction for all six facets of English Language Arts education through our accelerated learning content-mastery program. If you are interested in partnering with us for your child’s English Language Arts educational needs, Try us for FREE with no strings attached.


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