Psychology of Visual Storytelling Impact | Advantages & importance in Comic Strips

visual storytelling impact

Visual storytelling is a concept in which words don't speak but images do. Art is used to convey plotline with the help of images, colors, and symbols establishing universal connection. Comic strips are one such form of art, that speaks volumes through captivating visuals.  

They contain several number of images depicting the progress of the story in a very subtle manner. Understand the advantages and psychology behind the visual story telling in this blog as 98thPercentile reveals visual storytelling impact and importance of comic strips. 

Psychology Behind Visual Narration 

The following psychological reasons behind visual storytelling will help us understand how comic strips can make insightful impact. 

  • Visuals stimulate multiple regions of the human brain simultaneously, resulting in emotional processing. 
  • Images, body language, and expressions of characters in comic strips evoke emotional responses. 
  • Visual narration influences the brain’s tendency since our brains are wired to capture and process visual information rapidly. 
  • When a viewer observes emotions in the characters, it activates mirror neurons in the brain and evokes empathy. 

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Advantages of Visual Storytelling in Comic Strips 

  • Relatability: Comic strips often show human characters of various personalities and emotions, which are relatable and empathetic. Audience tends to get attracted to the content that speaks about what they know, see, and do in their day-to-day lives. 
  • Simplification of complex ideas: Visualizing in comic strips can allow various ideas and concepts to be represented in simple and effective format. It can be politics, social issues, or psychological theories, simple images can convey a message in subtle way.   
  • Emotional connect: Cartoons and comics consist of figures that leave an emotional impact on the viewer’s mind. The way characters carry out emotions as the story progresses can lead the viewers to connect with them emotionally. All these emotions can be conveyed only through impactful visuals. 
  • Memorability: Effective visuals reside in the viewer’s brain for a long time. A comic strip conveying story through strong visual illustrations will be remembered for a much longer time. This way visuals represent stories strongly than a plain text. 
  • Engagement: Visuals have the ability to keep the audience hooked to the content. Storytelling through captivating illustrations will increase interest in reader to keep them engaged to the comic strip.  

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Is your child interested in making art? If yes, you’ll want to engage them in an effective art journey, introducing 98thPercentile, where your child can learn the art of storytelling. It is a place where creativity meets young talent, helping young learners to chase their dreams and stay ahead in the journey. Book a free trial and start your child's academic journey. 


Q1: Why are visuals important in comic strips? 

Ans: Visuals are important in comic strips to represent the story, theme, character in it and to convey the message of the story.   

Q2: Are comic strips visual storytellers? 

Ans: Yes, comic strips tell stories through illustrations of effective visuals. 

Q3: What is visual storytelling? 

Ans: Visual storytelling is a technique to tell stories through visual media.  

Q4: What are the benefits of visual storytelling? 

Ans: Visual storytelling can be effective as it can draw the attention of the readers and engage them. Visuals create empathetic connection and readers tend to remember them for a long period of time. 

Q5: How can visuals improve the effectiveness and quality of a presentation? 

Ans: Visuals improve effectiveness and quality pf a presentation by conveying the motive in a stronger way than words. 

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