What is A name? A place? A famous building? Well... it's a proper noun! But wait... What are nouns? Nouns are one of the most basic yet significant parts of English grammar. If you want to enhance your verbal and writing skills, you need to get the nouns right. Nouns describe a person or an object. Noun is widely divided into proper nouns and common nouns. A proper noun is specific and describes a particular person or object while common nouns are generic and are used to describe a type or category.
What is a Proper Noun?
Proper nouns, like Tina, Rome, or Meta are used to name distinct entities. Regardless of where they appear in a sentence, they always begin with a capital letter. Writing effectively requires the ability to recognize proper nouns, which shows attention to detail and adherence to grammar rules. This is what we aim for at 98thPercetile's ELA program. Check it out now.
10 Typical Proper Noun Errors and Their Fixes
Let’s check out some common mistakes we make while writing proper nouns and get a solution for them-
Ignoring capitalization
Error: I met him in january.
Fix: Proper nouns should always be capitalized, whether in headers or titles. So, it will be January since it’s the name of a specific month.
Putting Common Nouns in Capital
Error: The Park was closed.
Fix: Capitalize only certain names, such as "Central Park." Common nouns are not to be capitalized if they are not starting a sentence.
Putting Brand Names in Lowercase
Error: I want to buy shoes from nike.
Fix: Verify brand names for correct spelling twice and always start with a capital letter.
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Changing Titles
Error: I will meet Doctor smith.
Fix: Write Doctor Smith or Dr. Smith coz it implies a specific person with a specific title.
Incorrect Geographical names
Error: I climbed the mount Everest.
Fix: Remember to treat the entire name as a proper noun. It should be Mount Everest.
Inaccurate Nationalities
Error: I am in the mood for some french food.
Fix: it has to be French food as the French are people from a particular nation.
Disregarding Family Titles
Error: Will Aunt mary come?
Fix: It will be Aunt Mary as the title and the name both are important and when combined are proper nouns.
Capitalizing After Hyphens
Error: I like knowing about the Pre-Historic era.
Fix: It will be Pre-historic since the hyphen indicates it’s still part of the same word.
Incorrect Months or Days
Error: Today is monday, not tuesday.
Fix: Monday and Tuesday are the names of the days of the week which are specific. They are proper nouns so need to start with a capital letter.
Combining Common and Proper Nouns
Error: I went to see the Empire state building.
Fix: It will be the Empire State Building since it is a famous landmark. All the words in the name will start with a capital letter.
Although proper nouns appear simple, errors are frequent. We realize this at 98thPercentile and work towards making it right with various innovative methods. You can guarantee professionalism and clarity in your writing by being aware of the guidelines and practicing frequently.
Keep in mind that little adjustments have a significant impact. Remember to identify a proper noun and use correct writing methods like omitting capitalization when it comes to articles and prepositions within a proper noun. We at 98thPercentile ensure teaching the grammar basics to every child enrolled in our ELA program so that they never get confused and talk and write confidently without having to worry. Join our 1-week free trial classes now. Visit www.98thpercentile.com now.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q1: What is a noun?
Ans: A noun is a term used to name an individual, location, object, or concept.
Q2: How many types of nouns are there?
Ans: Common, proper, collective, abstract, and concrete are the five categories of nouns.
Q3: What is the difference between a proper noun and a common noun?
Ans: A common noun refers to general entities, but a proper noun names specific ones.
Q4: How can we identify proper nouns?
Ans: Capitalization is used for proper nouns, which indicate particular names, like as Texas or Tim.
Q5: Give 5 examples of writing proper nouns correctly.
Ans: Taj Mahal, Uncle Jason, Jonathan Kimble, United States of America, and The Statue of Liberty are all proper nouns.