Best Practices for Writing Clean JavaScript Code


Writing clean JavaScript is important in the maintenance, scaling, and optimization of any web application. Clean code mainly has better readability, fewer bugs, and easy collaboration among developers.

Let's now understand points to remember to write clean JavaScript in areas like naming conventions, code organization, and documentation with this blog from 98thPercentile.

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Points To Remember When Writing Clean JavaScript Code?

Here is the rundown of steps to follow to write a clean JavaScript code.

Maintain Consistent Naming Conventions

All your code should use consistent naming conventions. Variables and functions use camelCase, while classes are written in Pascal Case. Constants should be in UPPERCASE. Names should clearly describe their usage, such as total Amount instead of x. This describes what it is supposed to do.

Keep Functions Small and Focused

This means that every function should be good at doing only one thing. Having small, focused functions makes it easier for testing and debugging as well as in reusing. If a function is too long or complex, consider separating it into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example, instead of having a lone function handling different stuff, break up the different tasks into independent functions and call them where necessary.

Use ES6+ Features

There are quite a number of features Modern JavaScript has for cleaner code. First, let and const replace var to avoid issues with scope. Secondly, arrow functions make syntax more concise; template literals empower string manipulation, making it more readable. Other ES6+ features include default parameters and destructuring, which will further simplify your code.

Organize Code with Modules

Modular code is easier to handle in large projects. ES6 modules allow you to break down your code into smaller, reusable modules of code. It should be remembered that each module must have only one, related functionality. Organize a module for each function that falls under the same related functionality or classes. Good readability is not the only merit of your code; it also increases the maintainability of the code.

Comment and Document Thoughtfully

Comments should be for explaining the "why" behind your code, not the "what." Thus, avoid obvious comments like // Increment i by 1 when the code i++ is self-descriptive. Use comments to explain why you did complex logic or why such a decision was made. Besides, JSDoc documentation of functions and their parameters can also be very useful for other developers or even for your future self.

Linting and Code Formatting

Tools such as ESLint will help you apply the coding standards and verify that your code is free from probable issues before it turns out to be a bug. Tools like Prettier would help in maintaining consistent code formatting. Such tools enable you to stick to a unified coding style in the team, lessening friction and making peer reviews smoother.

Test Your Code

One of the best practices is to have unit tests that you can run to make sure that your code works as it should. It can prevent bugs from creeping into your code base as your project grows. Tools like Jest or Mocha integrate well into your workflow for running automated testing to ensure that your code stays strong over time.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Why is it important to use consistent naming conventions in JavaScript?

Ans: It makes the code readable, thus easy to understand and maintain the codebase. This also reduces confusion while many developers are working on the same project.

Q2: What are some advantages of using ES6+ features in JavaScript?

Ans:  ES6+ introduces features that allow for a much more succinct syntax, avoiding common pitfalls like scope issues with var, and introducing several strong constructs which make code clarity and functionality literally flesh out.

Q3: How can you get cleaner JavaScript with Modular Code and ES6 Modules?

Ans: Modular code allows a developer to take complex code and break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. ES6 modules organize and encapsulate code for easy maintenance and scaling.

Q4: What roles do Linting and Code formatting tools play in clean code?

Ans: Linting tools, like ESLint, enforce the standards of coding and help in detecting probable errors. On the other hand, code formatting tools like Prettier offer a uniformity of code style. Both are vital for a clean, uniform code base.

Q5: How can unit tests contribute to clean JavaScript?

Ans: Unit tests prove that individual parts of the code work as supposed to be, therefore ridding a code base of bugs at the very point where they usually arise. They provide a safety net while refactoring for changes not to break existing functionality.

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