Pause your thoughts: Let the child decide | Parenting Guide

Parenting Guide

When it comes to protecting children from making wrong decisions, parents do not think twice and try all the best possible ways to make it right. Have you all ever wondered how it feels to be the adored child who gets all the love but never gets the chance to make their own decisions? Ever thought about how it feels to be a child who cannot make mistakes and never gets the chance to learn from them?  

It is understandable that you want to provide the best for your children, but it is time for them to spread their wings and fly high and when a thunderstorm or cyclone hits it is now their responsibility to find shelter. Yes! Your adorable little ones are now growing up and now it is time for all you parents out there to give them a chance to let them decide and make their own decisions. Now if you are thinking how to make that possible? Read more to find out how we answer that in Why? How? What? 

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Why is Parental Control a necessary action? 

Parents' decisions and their influence on the children play a crucial role in child development. It is also your responsibility to make sure the child experiences setbacks learns from mistakes and faces consequences. Following are the reasons why you should think twice before making the decision on behalf of your child 

  • To encourage creativity 
  • To ensure decision-making skills are developed 
  • To be accountable and hold responsibility for the consequences 
  • To find their academic interests 
  • To develop public speaking skills 

How to stop making decisions for your child?  

It is natural for any child to make mistakes and wrong decisions, and it is also proven that everyone eventually learns and shines brighter. But to let that happen, here are a few tips for you 

  • Be patient and let your child make decisions at his own pace. 
  • Be ready to listen and acknowledge that your child is going to make mistakes as they are not mature yet. 
  • Be ready to always assist them in finding a solution. 
  • Be prepared to change. Your willingness to change and accept your child's decisions will matter the most to your children. 
  • Put your trust in them and start seeing things from a unique perspective. 

Parenting Guide

What should you do instead? 

Communication is always the key; you should give your child a chance to openly communicate and discuss the thoughts running in their mind. The following key points can help you figure out about what should be done 

  • Talk about their goals and get to know about their interests. 
  • Instead of focusing on the flaws in their decisions, focusing on their strength will give confidence to the child. 
  • Be a great teacher and teach them to trust their instincts and follow their gut feeling when necessary. 
  • Make sure to always keep an open communication with no boundaries. Create an atmosphere where your child wants to discuss his future and the big plans that he structured. 
  • Assure them it is all right to take the wrong steps. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Why is it important to allow my child to make his own decisions?

Ans: Your child needs to learn about mistakes and lessons from an early age to enhance his critical thinking and problem-solving skills and to become a responsible individual who can handle the situation.

Q2. At what age do parents stop letting their kids make decisions?

Ans: Never really, it is natural that parents hesitate to let their kid make their own decisions because they know their children are not mature yet. However, it varies for every parent there is no time but allowing your kids to make their own decisions will only help your child develop problem-solving skills and ensure the development of critical thinking.

Q3. How can we encourage kids to make their own decisions?

Ans: Many children do not require encouragement, they just want support from their parents. So, trust your child and allow them to make decisions.

Q4. How do you help your children make choices regarding their future without making them for them?

Ans: You can help them by listening to their goals and future interests. Assist them in finding solutions and put your trust in their decision-making skills.

Q5. Is it necessary to allow my child to make his own decisions when I know I can make them for him?

Ans: It is a personal choice but when you allow your child to explore it is like an opportunity for them to develop their skills and find out their strengths. 

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