Overcoming Nervousness During Spelling Bee

spelling bee

Nervous kicking in while trying to perform in the spelling bee? Well, answering the toughest spellings on a stage before professional judges is not a cakewalk for any participant. It is a stressful experience to be placed under the spotlight making it hard to speak out even the spellings you have been learning thoroughly.

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Nervousness during spelling bee is caused by performance pressure and fear of embarrassment. It is completely normal to feel this way before performing in one of the eminent competitions. To get you covered in this difficult situation, here are a few steps to follow.

How to overcome nervousness during spelling bee – tips and techniques?

Constant Practice

Continuous practice will make you remember what you have learned easily. When you get to keep practicing one spelling several times, after some point of time your brain remembers it effortlessly. In this way, you can adapt to familiarity. It can help to boost your confidence on stage.

Adapting to environment

Getting exposed to a completely unfamiliar environment might distract you and make you feel disconnected, which affects your performance. While practicing, keep imagining the environment where you need to perform. It helps in making an image beforehand and eradicates the fear of an unfamiliar environment

Calm your mind

Instead of worrying about how you are feeling, try to put in the effort to tell yourself positive affirmations and change your perspective in an optimistic way. Be your friend and push yourself to be as calm and composed as possible. When you do that, all the other tasks start seeming much easier.

Learn through mistakes

There will be no one who is entirely perfect. It is okay to make mistakes because they teach you many things. Making a mistake one time will make you not do that whenever the same situation occurs.


Manifesting is something we all do when we want anything wholeheartedly. It is nothing but just simply navigating yourself in the direction of achieving what you sincerely want. Apply the same ideology here and manifest yourself to be as efficient as want you to be in spelling bee.

Take care of your health

Always make sure you meet your body needs. Eat food on time, hydrate yourself often, and have enough amount of sleep. Having balanced nutrition will satisfy your body which indirectly boosts your mental health.  

Practice your favorite activity that brings you happiness

All of us will have one or the other personal favorite habits that make us feel happy and content from within. Pick up such an activity of yours and keep doing it once in a while between spelling bee practice.

Seek help from your dear ones

Surrounding yourself with your dear ones brings comfort and calms your worries. During the toughest challenges, seek help from them. Speak with your parents, siblings, or your friends and discuss the nervousness with them. Sharing your vulnerability will help unload the mental baggage.

Control over nervousness is also essential along with knowing how to spell the words. Adding the above practices to your learning routine will make you less stressed and full of confidence.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How to not be nervous for a spelling bee?

Ans: Calm your mind and try not to put much stress on yourself during a spelling bee.

Q2: How do people get good at spelling bees?

Ans: People get good at spelling bee through constant practice and by concentrating on developing vocabulary.

Q3: How can I not be embarrassed if I get out in the early rounds of the spelling bee?

Ans: Understand that getting even until there needs a great amount of intelligence and excellence. It is completely normal to fail sometimes. Try to learn from your experiences.

Q4: What if I make a mistake during the spelling bee?

Ans: First understand that making mistakes is quite normal. Take a moment to calm yourself and continue competing without losing your self-esteem.

Q5: What are some techniques to reduce nervousness during spell bee?

Ans: Taking care of your mental state, allowing yourself to release the baggage of stress, and going ahead with a smile on your face can be some effective techniques to reduce nervousness during a spelling bee.

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