National and International Math Contest for Middle Schoolers

mathematics contest

Do you have a middle schooler at home who is preparing for a mathematics contest? If so, you are at the right place. Be it international, national, or state level, all math contests need a strong approach for desired results. There are certain mathematics contests that push the limits of your child and will make them stronger in the field of Math. 

Start Your Child's Math Journey Now!

In order to push themselves, improve problem-solving abilities, and enjoy math, middle school students might consider competing in international math contests. These contests provide a special chance for learning and development, bringing together young math enthusiasts from all over the world.  

These competitions can foster a love of mathematics and increase your child's confidence in solving challenging issues, regardless of whether they are math whizzes or just naturally interested in numbers. 

Top Mathematics Contest 

There are many International Math contests that help your child widen their knowledge of Math and bring out the best in them. Let’s get to know some of them- 

Math Olympiad

An event that is well-liked and helps pupils improve their problem-solving abilities is the Math Olympiad. It has difficult questions that call for original thought. Pupils get the ability to approach issues from several perspectives and formulate solutions-finding tactics.

Kangaroo Math Competition

Students of all ages are welcome to in the Kangaroo Math Competition, which emphasizes critical thinking and logical reasoning. Students are encouraged to think creatively by the contest's engaging and diverse questions.

The AMC, or American Mathematics Competitions

The AMC is a popular competition in the US that assesses students' logical thinking and mathematics skills. For middle school students, it's a terrific way to assess their abilities and see how they stack up against peers around the country. 

international math contest 


It is a nationwide initiative that encourages middle school students in the United States to excel in arithmetic. It provides both team and individual competitions, fostering enjoyment and teamwork.

International Mathematical Kangaroo (IMK)

There are competitors in the IMK, an international competition, representing more than 80 nations. It focuses on engaging and difficult arithmetic problems that inspire students to apply both critical and creative thinking.  

With focus and determination, your middle schooler can gain a lot from these mathematics contests. Online learning platforms like 98thPercentile can truly help prepare for such competitions by conducting preparatory classes and contests that help your child to know in advance what to expect and how to go about it. Visit for more information. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)   

Q.1: Why should my child take part in math contest? 

Ans- Children should take part in math contests to develop problem-solving skills, boost confidence, and inspire a love for mathematics. 

Q.2: What is Math Olympiad? 

Ans- It is a competition that enhances creative thinking and problem-solving skills through challenging math questions. 

Q.3: Why is Kangaroo Math important? 

Ans- Kangaroo Math promotes logical reasoning and critical thinking with interesting, diverse questions. 

Q.4: How to convince my middle schooler to take part in a math contest? 

Ans- You need to highlight the fun, learning opportunities, and a chance to meet other math enthusiasts. 

Q.5: What are the benefits of taking part in an international math contest? 

Ans- It enhances problem-solving, fosters global connections, and boosts academic confidence. 

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