Multiplication and Division of Decimals


Because they represent values in between whole numbers, decimals are a fundamental component of mathematics. Comprehending the division and multiplication of decimals is essential for resolving several real-life issues. The goal of this blog is to make the ideas and procedures related to dealing with decimals more understandable.

Multiplication of Decimals

Step-by-Step Process

  • Ignore the Decimal Point: To begin, treat the decimal numbers as whole numbers by ignoring the decimal points. For example:
    • Multiply 5.5 by 1.2 as if they were 55 and 12.
  • Multiply the Numbers: Perform multiplication as you would with whole numbers.
    • Example: 55×12=660.
  • Count Decimal Places: Add up the number of decimal places in both factors. In our example, 5.5 has one decimal place, and 1.2 has one decimal place, giving a total of two decimal places.
  • Place the Decimal Point: In the result, place the decimal point so that there are as many decimal places as you counted in Step 3. Thus, 660 becomes 6.60.

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Division of Decimals

Step-by-Step Process

  • Make the Divisor a Whole Number: If the divisor (the number you're dividing by) is a decimal, multiply both the divisor and the dividend (the number being divided) by 10 as many times as needed to make the divisor a whole number. For example, if you're dividing 4.56 by 1.2, multiply both by 10 to get 45.6 ÷ 12.
  • Perform the Division: Divide the numbers as if they were whole numbers.
    • Example: 45.6÷12=3.8.
  • Place the Decimal Point: The decimal point in the quotient (result) should be directly above where it appears in the dividend.

Tips for Working with Decimals

  • Make Sure Decimals Are Aligned: Pay close attention to the decimal places while multiplying and dividing, particularly when counting them in the result or adding them to the quotient.

  • Practice with Real-World Problems: To solidify your comprehension, apply these operations to real-world scenarios like calculating costs, weights, or distances.

  • Examine Your Work: Estimating the solution is usually a good idea before working through the issue. For example, you know the answer to 4.5 times 3.2 should be about 15 since 4 × 3 = 12 − 4× 3 = 12 and 5 × 3 = 15 − 5× 3 = 15.

Typical Errors and How to Prevent Them

Inaccurate Decimal Placement: Putting the decimal point in the incorrect place is one of the most common mistakes. When multiplying, never forget to count the entire number of decimal places.

  • Ignoring to Adjust the Divisor: In division, your answer will be erroneous if you fail to multiply the divisor by powers of 10.

  • Ignoring Estimation: Ignoring estimation might provide absurd results. Before submitting your response, be sure it makes sense.

Decimals might be difficult to multiply and divide at first, but with experience and by following the right procedures, they become manageable. The secret is to handle decimal points appropriately, multiply and divide using whole numbers, and double-check your calculations at all times.

These procedures are essential whether you're calculating money, measuring ingredients, or working through arithmetic difficulties. You'll notice that as you continue to practice, your confidence in managing decimals will increase!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

Q.1: How may decimals be multiplied the simplest way?

Ans: The steps listed below are the simplest for multiplying decimals:

  • Multiply the integers as though they were whole numbers, disregarding the decimal points.
  • Add up all of the decimal places in each of the two components.
  • Make sure the decimal has the same number of decimal places as the total counted when you insert it in the result.

Q.2: How are decimals divided by whole numbers?

Ans: To get the decimal divided by the entire number:

  • Divide the number as you would if it were a full number.
  • Put the decimal point in the quotient just above the dividend's (the divided number's) appearance.

Q.3: In a division issue, what should I do if the divisor is a decimal?

Ans: To convert a decimal divisor into a whole number, multiply the dividend by the same power of ten in addition to the divisor. Next, carry out the division as customary. To get 45.6 ÷ 12, for instance, divide 4.56 by 1.2 and multiply both by 10.

Q.4. How can I calculate the outcome of dividing or multiplying decimals?

Ans: To calculate:

  • Round each decimal to a close whole number when multiplying. To obtain a ballpark approximation, multiply these rounded figures.
  • To make the division process simpler, round the numbers and divide just like you would with full numbers.

Q.5. Why is decimal places counted when doing multiplication?

Ans: Counting decimal places helps ensure the accuracy of the final product. The total number of decimal places in the result equals the combined decimal places of the factors.

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