Understanding JavaScript Closures


In JavaScript, closures are considered fundamental yet the trickiest part of the language. The closure allows access to the scope of an outer function by an inner function even after the execution of an outer function is over.

This character sets up closures to be a strong powerhouse in JavaScript, enabling features such as data encapsulation, callbacks, and many other things. Let's understand in detail about the closures in JavaScript with this blog as 98thPercentile tries to educate students about the world of coding from an early age.

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What is Closure?

A closure is a function that is defined inside another function, and it has access to the variables of the outer function. What makes closures special is that the inner function "remembers" its lexical scope-it retains access to the outer function's variables even when the outer function has returned.


function outerFunction(outerVariable) {

   return function innerFunction(innerVariable) {

       console.log('Outer Variable: ' + outerVariable);

      console.log('Inner Variable: ' + innerVariable);



const newFunction = outerFunction('outside');


Above, innerFunction still has access to outerVariable after outerFunction has returned. This is the reason why a function is called a closure.

How Do Closures Work?

When executing it, JavaScript creates a closure by binding the outer function's variables into the scope of the inner function. After the outer function returns, that would have been where the variables it created would normally disappear. But thanks to closures, the inner function still has access. This can be applied in all various tasks, such as:

  • Data Hiding: Closures can hide data by keeping variables in the scope of the outer function.
  • Callbacks: Callbacks are often used in asynchronous programming, and closures make it possible for callback functions to access variables as if it were at the time of execution.
  • Partial Application and Currying: With the use of closures, you could fix parts of a function's arguments and create new functions with fewer parameters.

Real-World Uses for Closures

Creating Private Variables

One can exploit closures to simulate private variables, which should ensure that certain data is not accessible from outside a function.


function createCounter() {

   let count = 0;

   return function() {


       return count;



const counter = createCounter();

console.log(counter()); // 1

console.log(counter()); // 2

For example, in the above context, the count variable can only be accessed via the inner function and is thus a sort of "private" variable.

Event Handlers and Asynchronous Functions

It involves the use of closures in event listeners-for example, a mouse clicks listener-and callback functions for subsequent actions.


function registerHandler() {

   let message = "Event triggered";

   document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", function() {





Here, the event handler has access to the “message” variable due to closures.

Take Away

JavaScript closures are powerful and versatile, hence an inseparable part of advanced JavaScript programming. Understanding the concept of closures will greatly enhance your ability to write efficient, maintainable, and flexible code in JavaScript.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Why are Closures Important?

Ans: Closures are hugely important regarding creating private variables, enabling callback functions, and improving modularity of the code by allowing functions to keep access to their scope even after execution.

Q2: How do closures help in asynchronous programming?

Ans: In asynchronous programming, closures allow a function to retain access to variables from an outer function even when it executes at some later time.

Q3: Can closures lead to memory leaks?

Ans: Yes, improper use of closure can indeed lead to memory leaks when references to variables are maintained for longer than expected.

Q4. Where does the concept of closure find a practical implementation?

Ans: Closures can be utilized to demonstrate what private variables could look like, which are only accessed through certain function-counters or state managers in JavaScript applications.

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