Improper fractions show that the numerator is greater than or sometimes similar to the denominator. It refers to the value of the fraction that is greater than or equal to 1. This kind of fraction has unique significance in mathematics that is essential for understanding arithmetic operations.
Improper fractions are used in different Math operations to simplify complex equations. Improper fractions increase the human ability to deal with different types of numbers and improve overall mathematical proficiency. This article will provide all the details regarding improper fractions, and different types of fractions with examples.
Different Types of Fractions with Examples
In arithmetic, fractions are a part of the whole number. There are three types of fractions, proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed fractions.
- Proper fraction: The numerator is smaller than the denominator, and the value of the fraction is less than 1.
Example: 1/3, 2/5, 3/4 etc.
- Improper fraction: The numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator 1.
Example: 17/3, 9/4, 26/11 etc.
- Mixed fraction: A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number.
Example: 5/2= 2½, 15/7=2½, 29/6=4⅚ etc.
Steps to Convert Improper Fraction to Mixed Fraction
Improper fractions can be converted into mixed fractions, by following a few steps.
- Divide the numerator by the denominator to get a result of the whole number part of the mixed fraction.
- After dividing the number, the remainder becomes the denominator of the fraction part of the mixed number.
- Combine the whole number and the fraction to get the actual form of the mixed number.
Simplify Improper Fraction
Simplifying improper fractions makes it easier to read, calculate, and compare. An improper fraction represents a larger numerator than a denominator. Simplification of improper fractions eventually results in proper fractions that are sometimes required to convert improper fractions to a mixed fraction.
Example: If the improper fraction number is 13/4,
Then, 13/4 = 3½ will be the mixed number.
To sum up, improper fraction plays a significant role in the arithmetic. It is a different way of representing values that are greater or equal to denominator 1. Different types of fractions show different combinations of numerators and denominators. The conversation of improper fraction to mixed fraction helps to find the whole number with a proper fraction. Improper fractions enhance the ability to solve complex arithmetic equations. To get a complete understanding of improper fractions and other varieties stay connected to or you can join our 1-week free trial classes on the Math program.
Q.1. What is the use of improper fractions?
Ans: Improper fractions represent quantities that are larger than the whole unit. It helps in measurement, calculation, and finances.
Q.2. What is the purpose of simplification of improper fractions?
Ans: Simplification of improper fractions helps to make readable numbers, easier for calculation.
Q.3. What are the steps to multiply improper fractions?
Ans: First multiply two number numerators and denominators, then reduce the result to make a simple form.
Q.4. What are the steps to subtract improper fractions?
Ans: First identify the LCM of denominators to find a common denominator, then subtract the numerators and finally convert the fraction.
Q.5. Is a fraction a positive number?
Ans: Yes, it represents part of a whole number, so it is a positive form of a number.
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