Explaining the Importance of Code Comments to Non-Coders

Coding is associated with a stream of numbers and symbols, which may seem to be a foreign language to most. It is challenging for non-coders to understand how code directly impacts the outcome of a product, a website, or an app.  

However, there is one important practice in coding that improves code clarity and lets everyone understand the logic in the code which is known as code comments. For audience understanding we have articulated this blog to explain code comments in detail. 

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Code comments 

Code comments refer to lines of text written within the code to explain how a particular part works. These do not get executed by the computer; instead, they are for humans. Developers use comments to describe what a particular block of code is designed to do, its logic or even some warning that could trigger some issue. Comments serve as a roadmap or a tour guide for those who aren't coding. 

Why Do Code Comments Matter? 

To Improve Code Readability 

When the code is not written by oneself, comments are helpful in simplifying complex lines of code through explanations as code can be uncertain sometimes. Comments also provide insight for non-coders about what the code is doing. 

Enable Communication 

Any project is likely to have several members, whether developers to product managers or just designers. Code comments will be the language to communicate the coder's intentions. For any non-coding member of the team, it is important that they comprehend the logic without having to understand deep into the technicalities of the code. 

Audience Understanding 

Every software has an audience - be it the user, the stakeholders, or the future developers. Comments will help tailor the code for readability to multiple audiences. Non-coders including project managers or quality assurance testers can, using comments, understand the general flow and logic.  

Maintain and update code

Code is rarely static. Updates, bug fixes, and new features are being added all the time. Without comments, developers those not aware of the original code will have a hard time deciphering the intent behind some of the design decisions which can slow down the process and create room for error and affect the implementation of updates.  

Comments make maintenance more efficient, long-term, to ensure success in the project. Even non-coders who are interested in knowing the basic outline of a program can use comments to get a high-level idea of how different parts of the software work together. 

The Big Picture 

For the noncoders, comments within code are like annotations in a big, long book. You may not have to understand every word of code itself, but the comments would help you follow along with the story.  

Students can now learn coding from an early age without any prior coding knowledge. Want to know how? Book a free trial with 98thPercentile and experience the elite teaching from experts and start your coding journey now. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q1: What is a code comment? 

Ans: Code comments are notes left within the code to explain what purpose or logic certain parts are serving.

Q2: Can non-coders read the code comments? 

Ans: Yes, comments of code can be read by non-coders for a wealth of information about the logic and flow of a project, even though they may not understand the code.

Q3: Do all programming languages have support for code comments?

Ans: Yes, most programming languages will allow comments in code. Although the syntax may vary, comments exist across languages.

Q4: How do comments help in software maintenance? 

Ans: Comments can provide meaning or explanation behind a particular design choice, so that someone else may be able to maintain, update, or debug the code more easily.

Q5: Are all lines of code commented? 

Ans: No. Only hard or tricky pieces of code are commented. Many comments are worse than too few; too few might leave readers puzzled. It's all about finding a balance.

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