How To Make Mental Math Practice Enjoyable for Kids

mental math

Do you want your child to be a pro at mental calculations? Are you trying to cultivate your child's interest in practicing mental math? Despite being aware that math is the most useful life skill we all want to learn, most of us find it difficult to indulge our children’s interest in math.

Learning mental math can be intimidating, especially for young learners. However, with the right guidance and active participation, your child can excel at mental math. In this article, let us cultivate a deeper understanding of how math can be learned in a fun way and calculate your child’s way to a brighter future.

Why Is Mental Math Important?

Mental math is the process of calculating in your mind without the help of pen and paper or a calculator. Mental math skills are very crucial for adapting yourself to an advanced math environment. Developing mental math skills from an early age can help your child improve their quick calculation abilities and also it will help them be efficient in competitive environments. From adding the total shopping bill to calculating the ingredient ratio of a recipe, mental math plays a significant role in day-to-day life activities too.

Explore Some Fun Mental Math Practices

Learning math can be boring. Let’s explore some amazing tips to add fun to your child’s learning path and turn their learning journey into excellence.

  • Math memory games: Create different math problems and answers and write the questions and answers on different cards. Shuffle the cards and ask your child to match the question cards with their respective answer cards. It will help them in quick mental calculation practice with excitement to solve all the questions without using any calculator or pen and paper.

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  • Nature and math: Take inspiration from nature and try to engage your child with nature’s hidden math. Ask your child to do activities like counting objects, the variety of objects in that area, the total number of objects, etc. Doing such fun mental math practices will foster your kids with a sense of curiosity to learn and develop mental math skills.

  • Online math games and quizzes: Indulge your child in online math games and quizzes designed to improve mental math for kids.

  • Math board games: There are several board games available for kids. Playing board games can help your child improve their speed in mental math calculations and also it is another engaging and fun mental math practice that your child will love for sure.

  • Engage in different math activities: Engage your child with different math activities like math bingo, math quizzes, puzzles, riddles, etc to improve their interest in mental math.

  • Scavenger hunt: Make your house an interesting scavenger hunt plot. Embark on a mental math scavenger hunt where every clue is a solution to some math problems and hide all these clues in different corners of your house. This will interest your child to solve problems quickly to get clues and move to the second hint.

Every challenge becomes a new lesson for your child’s learning journey. Unlock the world of fun mental math practices and make your child’s mental calculation learning journey a vibrant tapestry of discovery. Don’t forget to visit the 98thPercentile and book our free 2-week demo class to learn more.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. How do you improve mental math skills?

A: By practicing regularly and taking active participation, you can easily improve your mental math skills.

Q2. How do I teach my kids mental math?

A: Try to motivate your kids to participate in activities that require mental math skills, and also help them learn new ways to think and calculate in their mind without the help of a calculator.

Q3. Is mental math fun?

A: Yes, mental math is a fun activity to learn and make your calculations quickly without the help of a calculator.

Q4. Do kids need mental math skills?

A: Yes, mental math skills are very important not only for math but also for daily life. Learning mental math skills from an early age will help your kids master the skill.

Q5. Which resources are available to assist children with mental math?

A: A variety of resources are available to enhance mental math abilities, such as games, worksheets, apps for the internet, and books. In addition, educators and parents can design their activities based on the interests and learning preferences of the students.

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