How to Get Started with Application Development


From gaming sites to video streaming apps, the internet is filled with apps that make our lives easier and technically advanced. Do you get curious when you see new applications on your phone? Have you ever thought about how all these apps are created? Programmers or precisely application developers are the reason behind these aesthetically amusing applications that make your life easier. 

By learning programming and application development fundamentals, you too can build amazing applications. In this article, let us explore the best application development guide. If you are excited to unlock your creativity and build some amazing applications you may refer to 98thPercentile’s coding programs for students. 

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What is Application Development?

Application development is the process of building an application from scratch that involves planning, designing, coding, testing, and deploying an application.  As Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google says, application development is an expedition aimed at crafting value and enriching life through technology. By building applications, developers contribute to a digital ecosystem. 

The process of application development requires a solid strategy and often follows a standard methodology. Let’s explore the main steps followed in the methodology of application development in detail. 

Step-by-step Application Development Guide

The main steps involved and followed by all app developers are planning, designing, coding, testing, and launching. Let’s understand them in detail.

Planning of the project

The first and most important step of application development is thorough research of the relevant project ideas and planning of the overall application. Planning includes ideating how to proceed with the project, what tech stack is to be used, and the aim of the project. It is crucial to understand and set what is the main purpose of making the application and who the consumers are going to be. 

Designing and Prototyping

The look of the application is as important as the working of the application. To have user satisfaction and the best user experience, the user interface should be user-friendly. The color combination, buttons and navigation, and the overall site structure should be simple, clear, and attractive. Prototyping is the process of visualizing and making wireframes of the application’s structure for eg, it will help you understand which component will be navigated by which button. For designing and prototyping you can use software like Figma or simply use pen and paper to draw the app structure.


Here comes the real work to start building your application. Coding will help to transform your design into a real-time working application. The most crucial part of starting coding is choosing the right programming language, which we will be looking at in the later section of this blog.

Testing and Optimization  

For a better user experience, it is important to test your application before launching. You should use different test cases to check whether your application is meeting all the requirements or not. For smooth working, your application should not take more load time and also it should be responsive. If you find any issues in your application try to optimize it by debugging the errors. 


Once you are satisfied with the testing your application is ready for deployment. While deployment is the final step of application development, it is important to maintain your website from time to time for efficiency. 

How to Choose the Best Tech Stack for Application Development?

To choose the right tech stack for your application, it is important to consider factors like functionality requirements, expected scalability, speed, and performance of your project.

For frontend development, you can choose from HTML, Javascript and its frameworks, Python, Java, etc. For server-side development, you can use Python, Java,  Node.js, etc. 

Choosing the right database management system is also crucial for feasible working. You can choose MySQL, MS SQL, Postgres SQL for relational databases, and MongoDB for NoSQL.  

Summing up, application development requires a deep understanding of coding as well as other technologies. To learn more about application development visit the 98thPercentile website and book your free 2-week trial class today. Happy coding!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How to start app development for beginners?

Ans: To start app development first learn any programming language for app development and start creating your first app.  

Q2: Can I learn app development at home?

Ans: Yes, with guided online tutorials like 98thPercentile’s coding courses you can easily learn app development at home. 

Q3: Can I develop my app?

Ans: If you are familiar with programming and understand the fundamentals of creating an app you can easily build your app.

Q4: What are the main steps in application development?

Ans: The main steps in app development include designing, planning, coding, testing, and deployment.

Q5: Is application development a good career?

Ans: Yes, app development is a demanding and stable career option.

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