How to Build a Web Application with Python?


Nowadays, Python is one of the most in-demand languages among many, considering it has been very simple, flexible, and built with large libraries that would make it an excellent programming language for developing web applications. Regardless of whether you are a beginner developer or experienced, Python provides various frameworks and tools to allow you to build efficient and scalable web applications. In this blog, we will walk you through the steps for developing web applications with Python. 

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Guide to Use Python for Web Application 

Step 1: Choose Your Web Framework 

You should start by choosing a web framework because, when building a Python web application, it will call for a choice of web frameworks. Generally, the two most popular frameworks that have been developed for Python are Flask and Django. 

  • Flask is light, micro, and very flexible with the ability to add whatever libraries and components you want.  
  • Django is fully featured. It has many tools already built in, so you will easily handle larger and more complex projects. 

Step 2: Setting Up Your Development Environment 

Before you start writing code, you'll need to set up your environment. Below are the basic steps. 

  • Installation of Python 

Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from if you haven't already. 

  • Installation of Flask 

Open your terminal and type the following command to install Flask: 

  • Set Up a Virtual Environment 

It's good practice to create a virtual environment for your project so you can track the dependencies. You can do one by using the following commands: 

Step 3: Building a Simple Web Application 

So, you've just created your environment. Next, create your first Python web application. Let's begin with an empty file called in your project directory. 

from flask import Flask 

app = Flask(__name__) 


def home(): 

    return "Hello, World!" 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

This simple example explains: 

  • The Flask object is created, and a route (/) is defined to return "Hello, World!" when accessed. 
  • The function runs the Flask app; debug=True enables debug mode, which makes it easier to find your errors 
  • You can run your application with the following command in your terminal: 

Step 4: Add Templates and Routes 

To make your app dynamic, you can make use of HTML templates. The Flask supports the Jinja2 templating engine. This enables it to render HTML templates into dynamic content. Make a new directory named templates in your project directory, and put a file named index.html inside it. 


<!DOCTYPE html> 



    <title>Python Web App</title> 



    <h1>Welcome to My Python Web Application!</h1> 



Now, modify the file to render this template: 

from flask import Flask, render_template 

app = Flask(__name__) 


def home(): 

    return render_template('index.html') 

if __name__ == '__main__': 

The render_template() function renders the index.html file when the / route is accessed.  

Step 5: Add a Database 

For more sophisticated applications, you will certainly need a database. Flask supports many of the popular databases, including SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. You can also use SQLAlchemy: it is a very popular, high-level Object Relational Mapper. 

To make use of a database in your application, you need to configure SQLAlchemy in your and define models that map to database tables. 

Install SQLAlchemy with the following command: 

pip install Flask-SQLAlchemy 

Step 6: Deploy Your Web Application 

When you have developed your app up to a full-fledged app, then comes deployment. You can deploy the Flask web application to cloud platforms like Heroku, AWS, or PythonAnywhere. One of the many reasons Flask is so light in weight is that it has fewer configurations when you want to deploy it.  

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q1. What is the best Python framework for web development?

Ans: Flask and Django are the most popular. Flask is suited for smaller projects, while Django is better for large applications that have more built-in functionality.

Q2. How do I deploy a Python web application?

Ans: You can host a Python web application on Heroku, AWS, or PythonAnywhere. All these platforms provide step-by-step guides to deployment, so it's hard to go wrong.

Q3. Do I need to know HTML/CSS to build a Python web app?

Ans: Yes, you will undoubtedly use frontend development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript since they are used to structure and style the UI for your web application.

Q4. What is Flask in Python Web Development? 

Ans: Flask is a micro web framework in Python. It is used to create small web applications. Although it does not need the complexity of a full-stack framework like Django, it still helps you to make routes, handle requests, and render templates.

Q5. Can I add a database to my Python web application?

Ans: Yes, it is absolutely possible to attach databases such as SQLite, PostgreSQL or MySQL for Python web applications with the help of libraries like SQLAlchemy or Django's built-in ORM.

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