How to Build a Winning Spelling Bee Vocabulary?

build spelling bee vocabulary

A spelling bee is a highly competitive, engaging, and fun event. If one wants to win this competition, one must know more about memorizing words. The approach should be strategic in building and growing their vocabulary.

Meticulous analysis from 98thPercentile is recorded in this blog and it recommends 7 easy ways to build spelling bee vocabulary and improve vocabulary for students.

Build Spelling Bee Vocabulary with 7 Simple Strategies

Reading widely and regularly

The best way to approach unknown words is by reading. Try reading various genres of literature like novels, newspapers, scientific journals, and even historical texts.

Each one of these will have a different vocabulary. See unknown words, look them up, and practice spelling them.

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Word Lists and Resources

There are many such resources, from spelling bee word lists. These are available in book form, like "Spell It!" and on websites like Merriam-Webster and Scripps, with lists that include most of the words used in competitions. Work through these lists regularly.


Flashcards are great for this type of memorization. The word should be on one side and the definition, pronunciation, and example sentence on the other.

Use these flashcards to test yourself or have someone else quiz you. There are also some very helpful digital flashcard apps you can use, such as Anki.

Understand the origin of the words.

Many words in English are derived from Latin, Greek, French, and other languages. It is very useful to learn roots, prefixes, and suffixes so one can guess unfamiliar words.

For instance, if you know that "phobia" means "fear," then it will be easy to spell such words as "arachnophobia" or "claustrophobia."

Practice Spelling Bee Simulation Exercises

It simulates the atmosphere of a spelling bee, wherein one can lessen their anxiety while improving performance. You will be practicing pronouncing words aloud, time yourself, and get comfortable with the format of the competition.

Learn from Mistakes

Don't lose heart if you misspell a word; think of it as an opportunity to learn. Analyze why you misspelled it, maybe it was because of the pronunciation, tricky letters, or something else. Use this analysis for improvement in further performance in the future.

Join a Study Group

You can join or form a spelling bee study group. Members of the group can share their methods for studying and quizzing, give each other moral support, and provide an opportunity to study words that you won't usually run across by studying independently.

With these strategies, combined with dedication to your study plan, you will enhance your vocabulary in the spelling bee enough to give you an edge over any competitor.

98thPercentile provides the ideal atmosphere for students to learn in a group. Our class functions in a 1:4 ratio, where students not only learn new concepts but also learn from their classmates and share the knowledge without being bound to cone.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How much studying should I do every day?

Ans: It differs from person to person, but the bottom line is to be consistent. It should be at least 30 minutes to an hour a day.

Q2: Are there any private tutoring platforms that can help me improve my vocabulary?

Ans: Yes, 98thPercentile provides a collaborative environment to students. Its expertly designed English program helps students with Vocabulary, writing, reading. Book a free trial to explore the program.

Q3: How do I keep myself motivated during this preparation?

Ans: Break down small goals and reward yourself once you achieve them whether winning the spelling bee or just simply improving your language skill.

Q4: Should I only study very hard words?

Ans: Though difficult words can motivate you to work harder, it is more important not to neglect the easier ones.

Q5: How do I work on pronouncing those tricky words?

Ans: Listening to native speakers and imitating them can be of great help. Practice with a fluent speaker to help you master pronunciation.

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