Is Geometry the Study of Dimensions? Learn Definition and Examples


Did you know geometry is a pre-modern mathematics? Yes, geometry principles were used by ancient Egyptians long back in 3000BC. Area of circle and other formulas were derived based on these principles. It is a known fact that many astounding artworks and exquisite buildings are constructed based on the golden ration of 1.618.

From the dawn of civilization to the development of contemporary technology, geometry has been essential. We shall define geometry, examine various forms, comprehend the composition of geometric objects, and examine some real-world applications in this blog.

What is Geometry?

The Greek terms "geo" (meaning earth) and "metron" (meaning measure) are the roots of the word geometry. In essence, it is the study of spatial connections and qualities. Pure geometry, which is studied theoretically, and applied geometry, which is studied practically, are both included in geometry. It may be further subdivided into non-Euclidean geometry, topology, and Euclidean geometry, among other areas.

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Types of Geometry

  • Euclidean Geometry: Euclidean geometry is the study of planar and solid objects using axioms and theorems. It is named after the Greek mathematician Euclid. Points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solids are all included.
  • Non-Euclidean Geometry: Spherical and hyperbolic geometry are examples of non-Euclidean geometry that study curved surfaces and spaces.
  • Analytic Geometry: Coordinate geometry, or analytical geometry, is a field of geometry that describes geometric concepts using algebra.
  • Differential Geometry: Differential geometry is the study of geometry issues using algebra and calculus.

Understanding Basic Geometric Shapes

The study of basic forms is where geometry starts. Let's examine a few basic geometric forms and their characteristics.

2D Shapes

  • Circle: A collection of all points in a plane that are separated from the center, a fixed point, by a specific amount. The radius is the length of the circle measured from the center to any point on the circle.
  • Triangle: Three vertices and three edges make up a polygon. A triangle's internal angles add up to 180 degrees every time.
  • Square: Four equal sides and four right angles make up a polygon. It is a unique kind of rhombus and rectangle.
  • Rectangle: A four-sided polygon having equal sides on opposite sides and four right angles.
  • Polygon: A closed planar shape with three or more straight sides is called a polygon. Octagons, pentagons, and hexagons are a few examples.

3D Shapes

  • Sphere: The set of all points in space that are a specific distance from a fixed point is known as a sphere. The radius is the length of the sphere that connects any point to the center.
  • Cube: A solid object with six equal square faces is called a cube.
  • Cylinder: A solid item having two parallel circular bases joined by a curving surface is called a cylinder.
  • Cone: A solid object having one vertex and a circular base.
  • Pyramid: A solid structure consisting of three triangle sides that converge at the tip and a polygonal base.

Introducing Geometric Fundamentals

The characteristics of geometric shapes, such as angles, lengths, areas, and volumes, may be used to evaluate their structure.

Points and Lines

  • Point: An empty space position in terms of height, breadth, and length.
  • Line: An endless collection of points with no height or breadth that extends in both directions.
  • Line Segment : A line segment is the portion of a line that has two separate ends.
  • Ray: A ray is a segment of a line that has an unlimited forward length from a point.


  • Acute Angle: Any angle with a degree or less than 90.
  • Right Angle: A right angle is one that is precisely ninety degrees.
  • Obtuse Angle: An angle that is less than 180 degrees but more than 90 degrees is called an obtuse angle.
  • Straight Angle: A straight angle is one that is precisely 180 degrees.

Surface Area and Volume

  • Surface Area: The whole surface area of an item in three dimensions.
  • Volume: The quantity of space that a three-dimensional item takes up.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Architecture and Engineering

Geometry is used by engineers and architects to create bridges, buildings, and other structures. For example, triangles are used in truss constructions to assist distribute weight uniformly, which gives the structure strength and stability.

Example 2: Medicine and Robots 

Geometry is used by surgical robots to control instruments during surgeries. Machine vision of these robots elucidate visual data from cameras inside the body and help in guiding the movement accurately. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is the definition of geometry?

Ans: Geometry is the branch of mathematics that studies the sizes, shapes, properties, and dimensions of objects and spaces. It is concerned with points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher-dimensional analogs.

Q2: What is geometry used for? 

Ans: Geometry is used in real life-applications such as designing buildings, medical imaging, used to study shapes and positions of celestial bodies in astronomy, and in physics, arts and design. 

Q3: What are points, lines, and planes in geometry?


  • Point: A location in space with no dimensions (length, width, or height).
  • Line: An infinite set of points extending in both directions with no width or height.
  • Line Segment: A part of a line bounded by two distinct endpoints.
  • Ray: A part of a line that starts at a point and extends infinitely in one direction.
  • Plane: A flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely in all directions.

Q4: How is geometry used in architecture and engineering?

Ans: Architects and engineers use geometry to design buildings, bridges, and other structures. For example, triangles are used in truss structures to distribute weight evenly and provide stability.

Q5: Is learning geometry easy or hard? 

Ans: Geometry revolves more around spatial and logical skills rather than analytical skills. So, students find it challenging to differentiate between analytical and logical. 

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