Definition, Importance and Resources of Coding

Defining Coding?

Coding, often known as computer programming, is the process of planning, producing, and testing the source code for software applications, computer programs, and websites. Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, and other programming languages are used to write instructions that a computer can comprehend and execute.

Coding is the act of breaking down large issues into smaller, more manageable jobs and then writing code to handle each of these tasks. Once developed, the code must be tested to ensure that it functions properly and is free of defects and mistakes.

Importance of coding

Coding is becoming an increasingly important skill in the 21st century, and it can be particularly beneficial for kids to learn to code at a young age. 

Here are some reasons why:

  •  Future job opportunities: Many jobs now require coding skills, and this trend is only expected to continue. By learning to code at a young age, kids can prepare themselves for future careers in fields such as software development, web development, data analysis, and more.
  • Coding helps to enhance problem-solving skills by enabling individuals to break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable tasks. This problem-solving process can help kids develop critical thinking skills and improve their ability to tackle challenges in other areas of life. 
  • Enhanced Creativity: Coding allows kids to create their programs, websites, and games, giving them a creative outlet to express themselves and explore new ideas. 
  • Improved communication skills: Learning to code requires learning a new language, which may help children enhance their communication abilities and express themselves clearly and rationally.
  • Increased confidence and independence: By learning to code, kids can gain confidence in their abilities and become more independent problem solvers.

Overall, coding may be an important ability for children to master, regardless of whether they go on to pursue a career in technology. It can help kids build valuable talents that will benefit them in the future.

Opportunities in Coding 

A career in Coding can offer many opportunities for those with the necessary skills and expertise. Here are some of the potential career paths in Coding

  • Software developers create, implement, and support computer programs and applications. Programmers might choose to specialize in a particular programming language or technology.
  • Web Developers create, build, and maintain websites and apps. They may use a range of programming languages and web technologies.
  • Data analysts and scientists utilize computer languages to gather, analyze, and interpret data. They may work in healthcare, finance, or marketing.
  • A mobile app developer creates and designs applications for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. They may work with a wide range of programming languages and mobile app development frameworks.
  • Cyber security professionals employ coding skills to safeguard computer systems and networks from cyber-attacks. They may work in government, finance, or healthcare.
  • Game developers create video games utilizing programming languages and tools.
  • IT support experts employ coding abilities to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues on computers and networks.

These are just a few examples of the many career paths available in Coding. With the increasing demand for skilled programmers and many opportunities available, a career in Coding can be both rewarding and lucrative.

Free Coding Sites for Children

There are many free coding websites and resources available for kids to learn to code. Here are some of the best websites to learn Coding:

  • Scratch: Scratch is a free programming language and online community where children can create interactive stories, games, and animations. It was developed by MIT and is suitable for beginners. 
  • offers free coding courses for kids of all ages and skill levels. Their courses use fun themes like Minecraft, Star Wars, and Frozen to teach coding concepts. 
  • Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers free coding lessons for kids, including courses on HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. 
  • Tynker: Tynker is a free coding platform that offers interactive coding courses, games, and projects for kids. 
  • Codeacademy: Codeacademy offers free coding courses in a variety of programming languages, including HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby. 
  • Codesters: Codesters offers free coding courses for kids, with a focus on Python programming. 
  • App Inventor: App Inventor is a free coding platform where kids can create their own Android apps using a block-based programming language.

free coding for kids

98thPercentile - Coding for Kids

While there are numerous DIY coding websites available, students may require assistance in knowing where to start or what to do when faced with challenges. Additionally, there is a significant gap in programs that teach and promote entrepreneurship skills. 98thPercentile's coding program addresses these concerns by offering live, online small-group classes for students in grades 1 to 8, covering a broad range of coding and entrepreneurship skills. Their objective is to provide students with the necessary abilities to not only work in software firms but also to start their own.
These are just a few of the many free coding websites and tools available to teach youngsters how to code. With so many options available, it's easy to choose something that suits your child's interests and skill level.

Coding is used in a wide range of sectors, including software development, web development, game development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. It is a highly appreciated skill in today's job market, with several opportunities available to competent coders.

Try 98thPercentile today by booking a free trial session here!

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