Fascinating History of Kangaroo Math Test


The Kangaroo Math Test has been hailed as one of the most prestigious and renowned mathematical competitions globally, gaining immense interest among millions of young students around the world. How did this test become an exciting and challenging examination?

The answer lies in its history! Let's travel back into the rich history of Kangaroo Math Test and understand its transformation and development with this blog presented by 98thPercentile as it spills the beans on the origin of Math Kangaroo.


Origin of Math Kangaroo: Big Makeover

The Australian Origins

It all goes back to the early 1980s in Australia. A far-seeing mathematics teacher by the name of Peter O'Halloran came up with a brainwave—a multiple-choice mathematics contest that could be taken by thousands of students at a time. This original idea proved to be a smash hit, motivating an entire generation of young Australians in the pursuit of mathematics.


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The Leap to France

Inspired by the Australian model, two French teachers, André Deledicq and Jean-Pierre Boudine, decided to set up a similar competition in France. It was in 1991 that they launched a new contest in France under the name of "Kangaroo Math Test" (KANGOUROU DES MATHEMATIQUES), out of respect towards their Australian fellows, where the famous marsupial had also been chosen as the competition's emblem. The first edition was well received, with 120,000 students participating.

Global Expansion

The popularity of the Kangaroo Math Test did not take long to cross the international borders of France. In 1996, a common competition subject system at all levels was standardized with the collaborative efforts of participating countries. This was a very important step towards uniformity and fairness with the added advantage of developing a global mathematics community.

Modern Era (2009-Present)

Today, the Kangaroo Math Test figures among the largest international mathematical competitions, with participants exceeding 6 million from over 90 countries. The competition further evolved to include online platforms and interactive tools, with a much broader scope of mathematical topics.

What Makes the Kangaroo Math Test Special?

The Kangaroo Math Test is special, different from the traditional exams, because of its

  • Interesting format
  • Global representation brings together students from different cultures and education systems to rejoice in mathematics.
  • Problem-solving is more important than just memorization.

By showcasing the beauty and excitement of mathematics, the Kangaroo Math Test encourages students to pursue further studies in the field. Aimed at developing a love for mathematics and celebrating the empowerment brought about by rational thinking, the Kangaroo Math Test continues to inspire young minds worldwide.

Do you also wish to participate in the test but struggling with low self-esteem and are unsure about the preparation? Don't worry! 98thPercentile got your back. Register now for the Math Kangaroo Scholarship Test conducted by 98thPercentile on September 21-22, 2024, and get a chance to win $30000 worth of scholarships.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: What is the purpose of the Math Kangaroo Test?

Ans: The major focus of the Kangaroo Math Test is the development of interest and passion for mathematics in young learners.

Q2: How does the Math Kangaroo Test differ from traditional math exams?

Ans: While most traditional exams give more importance to rote learning, the Math Kangaroo Test will bring out the elements of problem-solving and logical reasoning with less emphasis on learning by rote.

Q3: Who can take the Math Kangaroo Test?

Ans: It allows participation from children of different age classes, usually starting from elementary up to high school. Country-specific eligibility criteria may differ.

Q4: What questions are there in a Math Kangaroo Test?

Ans: The test covers a wide range of topics under mathematics, like arithmetic, geometry, algebra, logic, and combinatorics.

Q5: How to be prepared for the Math Kangaroo Test?

Ans: The best way to get prepared for the Math Kangaroo Test is to practice solving different kinds of math problems and puzzles.

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1. Step-by-Step Guide to Math Kangaroo Registration

2. The Benefits of Mental Math for Academic Success

3. Early Revision Methods for Better Math Understanding

4. Accessing International Kangaroo Math Contest Past Papers