Can you deny if we say third grade is the most decisive year in a child's transition from lower to higher grades?
No, because you realize that your child had practiced the basics for reading, writing, and mathematics in the first and second grades. Once they are in third grade, it's their time to master these practices and apply them in the real world around them. From the primary first and second grades, they begin by learning how to read; and once they are in third grade, they transform to read and learn on their own.
Yes, this is a grade where teachers start to expect a child to do their homework without any help from parents. So there is no way as a parent, you can deny the fact that third grade is an essential point in your child's academics. A few basic things what teachers expect of a third-grade student are to read, write, listen, and speak up if they got any doubts. But as you know, on an average a student spends only six hours in a classroom, and the teacher can train them for this duration only. So as a parent, you need to step up and aid your child in improving their English literature arts grade 3 skills.
We have done in-depth research for English Language Arts Grade 3 and found a few simple practices for this:
Encourage your child to make use of the library:

A library is a place that exhibits its dedication to literacy intending to promote reading, a perfect place for your young brains to develop the habit of reading. Yes, an atmosphere with positiveness with the occurring silence and surrounded by people who are into reading books. Inevitably, a child can enter any library without a reading habit, but he/ she come out with something out of a book or even a book in their hand. They can go through a wide variety of books for their appropriate age and find their exciting topic, maybe about things that happened long back in history or a favorite kind of storybook. For this, your child refers to multiple books to get their desired content, and we are sure from each book they gain some information.
Encourage digital reading:
A child's interest in reading might have different views. Initially, when a kid starts reading, they might look for something interesting to keep them entertained. So for this, you can introduce a wide range of online books that are available with animation and voice recording. Digital reading can help them to improve reading as well as listening skills.
Encourage your child to use the dictionary:

Whenever your child comes across an unknown word, you need to guide them to use a dictionary to find its meaning. For the first time, they might need your help, but after that, you can notice their curiosity to look for the meaning of each complex word they come across. And this can promote a hobby for them to check for every word and their purpose in the dictionary. Words they use have a significant effect on their standards of writing, as they are aware of the precise meaning of the words they use.
Cultivate a habit of storytelling in them:
You can encourage and support your child to build a story of their own and allow them to narrate it to you. By this, you can notice an improvement each time they tell the story; this is because of their creative thinking ability, which supports them in improvising spontaneously. Please encourage them to practice storytelling as an activity with a group of friends, so with each story, they get to learn a new word or a more complex one from their friends. So this way, storytelling helps in expanding their vocabulary as well.
Encourage your child to write about their favorite experiences:
Yes, they need to write more often about their memorable experience that can provide them a particular excitement and interest in writing. You can encourage this by asking to write about a vacation, celebration in the house that recently happened, about their superheroes, or their playtime activities. So this way, they start expressing what's in their mind to a book fostering a love for writing.
We recommend you to implement these simple practices which can improve not only their English language arts grade 3 skills but provide better standards powered with knowledge for their progress in the upcoming grades as well. We ensure your child is going to love the new activities you introduce because all they want is engagement with studies in a fun way.
Also, remember never stress a young mind with your high expectations; they progress only with time.
Understanding the concepts your children are learning in school can help you support them at home. Find ways to support them from Pre-K all the way through high school.
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