Difference Addition and Subtraction of Decimals


Decimals are a basic building block of mathematics and are utilized in many aspects of daily life, such as distance measurement and pricing computation. Anyone working with real-world numerical data must be able to add and subtract decimals with accuracy. We'll guide you through the procedures for addition and subtracting decimals in this blog post, along with pointers and examples to help you become an expert in these abilities.

What Are Decimals?

Fractions with a power of ten as the denominator can be represented as decimals. To distinguish between the fractional and whole number portions, they are written with a decimal point. For instance, the whole number portion of the decimal number 16.44 is 16, while the fractional component is 44.

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Adding Decimals

The process of adding decimals is really simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Decimal point alignment: Indicate the numbers with the decimal points aligned. This guarantees the numbers are in the appropriate columns.

2. If necessary, add zeros to the end of the shorter number to make it equal the length of the larger number if the numbers have different numbers of decimal places.

3. Add as You Would Whole Numbers: Beginning with the rightmost digit, add the numbers column by column. Don't forget to carry over if required.

4. Position the Decimal Point in the Result: Make sure the decimal points of the numbers being added match the decimal points in the result.

Example: Add 5.36 and 3.7.


+ 3.70




Subtraction of Decimals

Subtracting decimals follows a similar process:

1. Align the Decimal Points: Just like with addition, align the decimal points of the numbers.

2. Add Zeros if Needed: Make sure both numbers have the same number of decimal places by adding zeros to the shorter number.

3. Subtract as You Would Whole Numbers: Subtract column by column, starting from the rightmost digit. Borrow from the next column if needed.

4. Place the Decimal Point in the Result: The decimal point should be in the same position as in the original numbers.

Example: Subtract 9.45 from 12.7.


-  7.45




Common Pitfalls to Avoid

To prevent mistakes in addition and subtraction, make sure the decimal points are positioned correctly.

Ignoring Zeroes: To guarantee that both numbers have the same number of decimal places, don't forget to add zeroes.

Erroneous Decimal Point Positioning: Verify again where the decimal point is located in your finished product.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is the greatest approach to gain confidence while adding and subtracting decimals. To improve your abilities, use arithmetic problems or real-world circumstances. You'll find that these tasks become automatic with some experience.

You'll need to know how to add and subtract decimals on a regular basis as they are crucial mathematical operations. You will be able to carry out these procedures precisely and with confidence if you follow these instructions and stay clear of typical mistakes. If you keep at it, handling decimals will come naturally!


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.1: Where do I place the decimal point in the result?

Ans: The decimal point in the result should be placed directly below the decimal points of the numbers you are adding or subtracting. This ensures accuracy in your final answer.

Q.2: Can I add or subtract whole numbers with decimals?

Ans: Yes, you can. Just treat the whole number as a decimal with no fractional part. For example, if you are adding 7 and 4.56, write 7 as 7.00 and align the decimal points.

Q.3: Why is it important to add zeros when necessary?

Ans: Adding zeros ensures that all numbers have the same number of decimal places. This prevents errors during addition and subtraction by keeping the digits in their correct place value columns.

Q.4: What is the most common mistake when adding and subtracting decimals?

Ans: The most common mistake is not aligning the decimal points properly, which leads to errors in the calculation. Always double-check the alignment of the decimal points before performing the operation.

Q.5: How do I handle borrowing when subtracting decimals?

Ans: Borrowing works the same way as it does with whole numbers. If the digit in the smaller decimal is larger than the corresponding digit in the larger decimal, you’ll need to borrow from the next column to the left.

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