Creative Writing Exercises to Spark Your Imagination

creative writing exercises

Are you a writer trying to find ways to ignite your imagination? Are you struggling with writer’s block? If yes, then you can practice some creative writing exercises to stimulate your creativity and imagination. While creativity comes to a writer naturally, imagination can be inspired through some effective exercises. 

 Follow these creative writing exercises every day and implement them in your routine. These exercises will not only help you spark your imagination but also improve your creative writing skills. 

9 Creative Writing Exercises: Spark your Imagination


Journaling is the process of writing down your feelings, opinions, and experiences.  Daily journaling helps you become a better narrator. Reimagining situations sharpens your mind and helps in creative thinking. Journaling allows you to write freely without the obligation to be politically or grammatically correct. You can write without any second thoughts or writing blocks.  

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Setting an Inspiration 

Using a visual prompt such as an image, a painting, or an object as an inspiration can help you imagine and write. All you need to do is, take a visual prompt of your choice, imagine it, and keep describing it in your own words.  

Write about your Favorite Topics 

You can choose any one of your favorite topics to practice creative writing. This way you keep imagining things and keep writing. Always remember there are no limitations to your thinking and imagination. 

Make it Conversational 

Try to keep your writing engaging and conversational.  Keep writing the way you converse with the readers. This exercise helps you in creating conversations between your characters. 

Setting Word List 

This task helps you improve your usage of vocabulary in creative writing. For this, all you need to do is prepare a set of words and start writing using those words in your sentences or passages. To come up with relevant lines and connections to join these words you have to imagine a creative concept on the whole. You can change the tenses and parts of speech of the words wherever needed. 

Practice Collaborative Writing 

When a group of creative writers comes under one roof, it is like a set of ideas and creations coming together. This way you can improve your writing and push your imagination levels higher.  

Alternative Storylines 

This is a fun and creative exercise where you have to come up with an alternative storyline for any one of the books, or movies of your choice. All of us at some point feel like something different in the story would be nice, whenever we are reading a book or watching a movie. Similarly, take the plot line of any such book or movie and try to write your version of the story and narration. This exercise will push your creative thinking abilities and stimulate your imagination.  

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Creative writing is an activity that involves lots of thinking and imagination. It is common to face writer’s block in your creative journey. Practicing the above exercises will boost your imagination levels and help you write efficiently.  

98thpercentile presents you with a fun and exclusive E-book on “Master the Art of Creative Writing”. This E-book consists of tips, guidance, and fun exercises to enable you to express yourself effectively through writing.   

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: How can I improve my imagination for writing? 

Ans: You can improve your imagination through simple ways like freewriting, narrating your stories in your own way, and trying to write alternatives to some selected stories.  

Q2: How to spark creativity for writing? 

Ans: To spark your creativity for writing you can take the help of visual prompts. Try describing the prompts like an image by your imaginary backstory for it.  

Q3: How to boost creativity and imagination? 

Ans: Go on a walk, read fiction, and meditate. University researchers find simple activities like these will improve creativity and imagination.  

Q4: How can journaling help in creative writing? 

Ans: Journaling allows you to write freely without any pause for perfection and think about your opinions and thoughts. It helps you to bring your feelings into words and become a better writer. 

Q5: How do visual prompts serve as an inspiration? 

Ans: Visual prompts help you to find a context to write about. Based on your prompt you can create stories and instances and bring them into words. 

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