Creativity: Multimodal Presentations with Text and Visual Harmony

Multimodal communication involves the integration of various ways to convey information and ideas, making use of our senses like sight, hearing, and touch. Employing multiple communication modes can greatly assist in effectively reaching your audience.

When you're planning and drafting your presentation, there are several options to consider. You can opt for slide-based formats like PowerPoint or Prezi, create a video, design artwork, develop an interactive website, or even perform your presentation live. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's crucial to assess which one aligns best with your assignment or the expectations set by your instructor.

Ensuring readability is paramount in a multimodal presentation. To achieve this, keep these tips in mind:

Focus on including the most crucial elements of your research, avoiding information overload.

Consider the type of fonts you use. Sans serif fonts tend to be more readable on screens, while serif fonts are generally better for printed materials. Whichever you choose, maintain consistency throughout your presentation.

If you use colors, strike a balance between professionalism and visual appeal. Harmonious color combinations can enhance the audience's understanding and feelings about your content.

Engaging your audience is a key goal in any presentation, and visual elements play a significant role in achieving this engagement. Here are some considerations for different types of visuals:


Simplify or crop images as needed to focus on key details.

Include captions and proper citations for your images, providing titles, brief descriptions, and retrieval information or citations.

Ensure that you have the right to use the images you incorporate, avoiding copyrighted or licensed material. Consider utilizing free image galleries such as Pixabay, Pexels, Gratisography, and Compfight.

Creating Multimodal Presentations Blending Text and Visuals


Keep video clips concise to maintain audience interest.

Whenever possible, embed video files directly into your presentation to ensure seamless transitions and minimize potential technological issues associated with linked videos.


Sound or music can enhance your presentation, but it's crucial to choose sounds or music that are appropriate for your content.

Embed audio files within your presentation rather than relying on external links for a smoother experience.

In oral presentations, guiding your audience effectively involves three key components:

Verbal: What you say.

Vocal: How you say it.

Visual: Everything the audience can see.

To structure your presentation effectively, outline your major points, explain each one, and then recap them. Use transitional phrases and keywords to guide your audience through your talk, such as "Consequently," "The next point I would like to discuss," "On the contrary," or "To revisit what I mentioned earlier."

For group presentations, coordination and preparation are essential:

All group members should rehearse and become familiar with the content, enabling each member to transition smoothly between slides or sections.

Distribute the sections or slides of the presentation among team members fairly.

Every group member should make an equal contribution to both the creation and delivery of the presentation.

Here are some pro tips to enhance your presentation skills:

Create presentation notes to avoid reading directly from slides or a script.

Practice and rehearse to feel more comfortable and confident when presenting.

It's normal to feel nervous, but preparation and rehearsal can alleviate this.

Speak extemporaneously, emphasizing your main points.

Seek feedback from others, including Writing Consultants, classmates, or your professor.

Maintain eye contact with your audience and engage with them instead of simply speaking at them.

Utilize your voice effectively by varying your tone, pace, and volume to emphasize key points. Be confident and avoid unnecessary apologies for mistakes.

Use positive body language, maintaining a stable and authoritative posture.

Embrace pauses when necessary rather than relying on filler words like "um" or "uh."

Dress professionally and avoid distracting attire that may affect your audience's perception of you.

Visualize your desired outcome instead of dwelling on what you want to avoid.

In summary, creating multimodal presentations involves effectively blending various communication modes to engage your audience's senses. By considering factors like readability, visuals, and effective oral communication, you can deliver compelling and impactful presentations that effectively convey your message.


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