How to Help Your Child Be Prepared for the Kangaroo Math Competition?


The Kangaroo Math Competition is a test that enables children to exercise their brains and stimulates a love for problem-solving. While this sounds a bit challenging, with the right approach, your child will participate confidently.

98thPercentile has articulated to this blog especially for parents to help them prepare their child for the global Kangaroo Math Competition by suggesting a few Math Kangaroo Tips and recommending suitable scholarship tests.

Competent Math Kangaroo Tips

Following are some tips on how you can prepare your child for this exciting competition

1. Be familiar with the format and content

Familiarize your child, yourself, with the pattern of competition, type of questions, and coverage. It holds questions in a multiple-choice style that tests children's logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and knowledge of math.

2. Practice the sample questions

By using official study materials, online material, or practice books, get your child comfortable with the question format and difficulty level.

3. Work on Problem-Solving Skills

  • Logical reasoning: Enable your child to perceive the structure of a problem and learn to break problems down into simpler steps.

  • Experimentation: Engage your child in testing out different problem-solving approaches.

  • Systematic approach: Guide your child to analyze problems step by step.

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4. Time Management and Test-Taking Strategies

  • Practice under timed conditions: If you create an environment like when the child takes the competition, that is an ideal way to enhance speed and accuracy.

  • Teach good time management: Help your child learn how to make priorities among questions and allocate time to each question.

  • Teach intelligent guessing: Details of the elimination process of options.

5. Encourage critical thinking

Engage your child in puzzles, brain teasers, or other logic games that sharpen critical thinking.

6. Keep calm and confident

Tell your child to keep cool and confident during the competition—obviously, it is all right to commit errors.

Additional Tips

  1. Expose your child to past papers

  2. Join a math club or tutoring program

  3. Instill confidence

  4. Positive self-talk, encouragement, and motivation from family members, friends, and teachers play a significant role.

Enjoyment is the key. Armed with the right attitude and weaponry, your child will be better equipped to succeed in the Kangaroo Math Competition. By following these practical tips, your child will be much better prepared to face the math competition and, more importantly, develop a lifelong interest in the subject.

Register your child for the Math Kangaroo Scholarship Test offered by 98thPercentile on Sept 21-22, 2024, and get a chance to win $30000 worth of rewards.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.1. What is the eligible age to participate in the Kangaroo Math Competition?

Ans: The levels offered by the Kangaroo Math Competition are from elementary to high school. Children between grades 1-12 are eligible to participate in the competition.

Q.2. Where will I get the practice papers from previous years?

Ans: Past papers are available on the official website of the Kangaroo Math Competition, and quite frequently, some online resources about math competitions will be provided to them.

Q.3. How can I keep my child motivated?

Ans: Make your child look at the competition as an experience to be gained, appreciate the effort he or she puts in, and celebrate the progress results notwithstanding.

Q.4. How can I help my child cope with test anxiety?

Ans: Encourage relaxation techniques, practice under timed conditions, and emphasize doing one's best.

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