Children English Learning Journey | Tips & Resources


Learning English at this tender age bears several benefits for children. From cognitive development to better prospects, many opportunities seem to open with the onset of learning English at this age.

Every parent and teacher wishes to make this journey delightful and effective for the child. Therefore, 98thPercentile stated few tips and recommended the best resource that can help children's English learning easy and beneficial.

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Tips for Learning English for Kids

Interactive Learning

Turning the process of learning English into fun and entertaining activities will raise a genuine interest in the children during the communicative sessions. Practice with games, songs, and activities, this way children will retain things more properly. There are websites like, which have many such interactive lessons to assist children in learning.

Reading Together

Read English books to your children. This will naturally help their vocabulary and ability to understand what they read. Pick some age-appropriate books with vivid color pictures that keep them interested. Many libraries and online libraries contain huge collections of children's books.

Active Practice

The key to learning a language is to be consistent. Encourage them to practice every day, even if only for a few minutes. Set up a routine with English language activities included, such as watching educational videos or doing practice with new words.

Expose your child to English at all times to make the learning process faster. You could find TV shows in English, listen to English music, or generally speak English at home. Immersing the children will help them pick up the language themselves.

English Learning Resources Recommendation

98thPercentile – Your best-trusted learning platform

98thPercentile is a renowned teaching platform that tutors students from grades K-12. It is a trusted platform recommended by parents around the globe for assisting children to excel in their academic journey.

Our English program is expertly designed with an elite curriculum that caters interactive and dynamic learning environment for young learners. Our English program offers

  • Printable Worksheets
  • 1:1 Parent Counselling
  • Award-winning competitions
  • Recorded Lectures
  • Guided Writing Classes
  • Personalized Attention

Book a free trial and explore the English program to discover the hidden potential in your child and make their English learning easier now with us!

These hints and resources provide an opportunity for you to make studying English fun and productive for your child. In any case, the rule is to make your child have fun and feel good so that they continue learning in an entertaining way.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.1. How can I help my child to develop their English vocabulary?

Ans: Read English books, work with Apps for the language's study, and speak in English each day. Games and flashcards also help develop vocabulary.

Q.2. What are some good books in English to read to a young child?

Ans: Try books by Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, and Mo Willems. Epic! is also an online library that has a variety of age-appropriate books.

Q.3. How much time each day should my child spend learning English?

Ans: Consistency matters much more than duration. Even 15-20 minutes of daily practice can be very effective. Combine learning with daily routines for a better payoff.

Q.4. Are language learning platforms for kids any good?

Ans: Yes. 98thPercentile is one such example. This platform helps children master their skills in Math, English, Coding, and Public Speaking. It helps to upgrade student expertise and stay ahead of their regular school curriculums in just 6 months.

Q.5. What is the best way to create an immersive English environment at home?

Ans: Watch U.S. television programs, listen to U.S. music, and speak English in everyday life. Including reading of course in English books and educational apps to create a complete immersion atmosphere.

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