Building Your First Website with HTML and CSS


Building your first website with HTML and CSS is like creating your own digital space where you can share anything you love! Imagine having your online clubhouse, where you get to decide how it looks and what it says. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is like the building blocks of your website, setting up the structure, while CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is like the paint and decorations, making it look beautiful. For example, if you want to create a website to show off your favorite hobbies, HTML will help you set up pages and sections, and CSS will let you add cool colors and fonts. Let's dive in and learn how to make your website step by step!

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What is Website Development?

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications that we use every day on the internet. It's like building and decorating a house, but online! For example, think of your favorite online game or a school website where you check your homework. Developers use languages like HTML to build the structure of the site, CSS to make it look nice, and JavaScript to add fun interactive features. Imagine creating a blog to share your stories and pictures with friends—web development lets you build that online space where everyone can visit and enjoy your content!

What is the use of HTML and CSS in Web Development?

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are essential tools in web development. HTML is like the building blocks of a website, creating the structure and content. For example, if you're making a website to showcase your art, HTML helps you add pictures, text, and links. CSS, on the other hand, is like the paint and decorations. It styles your website, changing colors, fonts, and layouts to make it look attractive. Together, HTML and CSS help you create a beautiful and functional website, just like designing and decorating your virtual room for everyone to see!

Making of a first website guide using HTML and CSS

Creating our first website with HTML and CSS is like building and decorating our own digital space! Here’s a simple guide:

Start with HTML: Open a text editor (like Notepad) and save the file as index.html. Begin with basic HTML structure:


Copy code

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>My First Website</title>
   <h1>Welcome to My Website!</h1>
   <p>This is where I share my favorite hobbies.</p>

Create Content: Add headings, paragraphs, images, and links to make our website interesting, like adding sections about your favorite books, games, or sports.

Style with CSS: Create a new file called styles.css. Link it to our HTML in the <head> section:


Copy code

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
Design our Site: In styles.css, add styles to make the site look great:


Copy code

body {
   font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
   background-color: #f0f0f0;
h1 {
   color: #333;
p {
   font-size: 18px;

View our Site: Open index.html in a browser to see our first website come to life, like showcasing your own digital poster board!

By following these steps, you’ll have a simple, stylish website that you created from scratch.

Web development

How to learn HTML and CSS?

Learning HTML and CSS is like learning to build and decorate your own virtual house! You can start with free resources like:

  • W3Schools: Offers tutorials and examples for beginners.

  • MDN Web Docs: Provides comprehensive guides and documentation.

  • Codecademy: Free interactive lessons that teach HTML and CSS basics.

For a more structured and interactive experience, check out 98thPercentile’s live classes. In these classes, you’ll get personalized guidance and real-time feedback from expert instructors. Imagine creating your own website to showcase your favorite hobbies, and getting help whenever you need it. It’s like having a tutor by your side as you learn to build and style websites from scratch!

Ready to start your web development journey? Join 98thPercentile's live HTML and CSS classes and turn your ideas into amazing websites!

Creating your first website with HTML and CSS is like building a virtual house! You'll learn to structure your site with HTML and style it with CSS. Start with basic elements like headings and paragraphs, then add colors and layouts. Free resources like W3Schools and Codecademy can help you, and 98thPercentile offers live classes for personalized guidance.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q.1: What is HTML?

Ans: HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is used to structure the content on web pages.

Q.2: What is CSS?

Ans: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets and is used to style and layout web pages.

Q.3: How can I start learning HTML and CSS for free?

Ans: You can start with free online resources like W3Schools and Codecademy.

Q.4: Why should I use both HTML and CSS?

Ans: HTML structures your content while CSS makes it look attractive and visually appealing.

Q.5: Can I get live guidance for learning HTML and CSS?

Ans: Yes, you can join 98thPercentile’s live classes for personalized guidance and support.

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