6 Brain-Boosting Activities for Child's Mental Agility

games for kindergarten

“Geniuses are born not made”. Do the parents believe this? What if being born a genius is a myth? What if there is proof out there that proves geniuses are not always born, they are made? Isn't it interesting?  

Every child is born with unique abilities and with great intelligence. Recognizing children's talents and supporting their interests by providing the best guidance can be challenging for parents. Are you also the parent wishing your child should cross the baby milestones and achieve great things in life but not sure how to help them?  

One way is to introduce children to Brainstorming activities to improve children's mental agility or introduce games for kindergarten. Here are the best intellectual programs designed by elite experts in the field. 

Activities to boost children's Intelligence to the next level

When a child does something on their own that means they have observed and later used their critical thinking skills to solve it on their own. Now how did they use their mental agility skills? Well simple maybe the parents have trained them with simple daily activities. Let's look at a few: 

  • Sponge Paint 
  • Drawing 
  • Counting numbers  
  • Puzzles 
  • Building blocks and games 
  • Discussions and debates 

Sponge paint

Painting with a sponge stimulates children's motor functions as they need to learn coordination of hand and eye movement. This activity creates excitement in children as they play with colors and press the sponge on paint and from paint to paper.  


Introducing puzzles to children at an early age will help them increase their critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. Like word building, wordle. 

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It is a fun and popular activity among children. It is still amusing about the fact how creative they are. Their analytical skills heighten as they draw what they imagine like castles or snowmen. 

Discussions and debates

Involving children in group discussions and introducing them to debates will help in the child's mental agility growth. One of the best ways to do this is to have dinner table conversations and discussions with children. This will help the children with public speaking in the future. 

Counting numbers

Children always collect stones, leaves, or sticks and count them. This creates curiosity in children to know more about numbers and their magic. When children are introduced to math from an early age it not only boosts their mental ability but also helps them in advancing in many fields.  

Building blocks and games

Building things always creates enthusiasm in children. It helps children to think in many ways to finally construct a masterpiece. Developing games using block programming among children has become the most interesting activity. Introducing them to coding at an early age helps them stay creative and competitive. 

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q.1. How can mind games help my child?

Ans) Children often look at a problem from different perspectives. Mind games motivate them to think outside the box and solve puzzles. This boosts their critical thinking skills.

Q.2. Why is mental agility important for children?

Ans) Mental agility improves thinking and problem-solving skills and helps develop skills required for academic success.

Q.3. What is the meaning of brain-boosting activity?

Ans) An activity performed to enhance critical problem-solving skills and improve the mental ability of an individual.

Q.4. What are brain-boosting activities?

Ans) Activities or games that are designed to stimulate creativity, memory, and problem-solving skills are called brain-boosting activities.

Q.5. My child is not interested in brain-boosting activities. What can I find as an alternative?

Ans) If your child is not interested in these activities then try to understand their interests. If the child wants an early start in a different subject, for example, coding, then introduce the child to 98thPercentile where he can start developing video games and learn about various programming languages.

Start Your Child's Journey to Academic Excellence Today!

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