Best Mathematicians in the World


Best Mathematicians in the World

The world revolves around Mathematics. It is present everywhere and knowingly or unknowingly we need it daily. The world of Math is both complex and exciting. If we understand the fundamentals, it can be interesting too, discarding the fact that it’s considered a dull subject.  

The great minds that have shaped the course of mathematics throughout the ages are largely responsible for the language of the cosmos that Mathematics has become. Mathematicians have made important discoveries that have transformed our perception and understanding of the world around us from antiquity to the present.   

Greatest Mathematicians in History  

Let us explore the accomplishments of the best Mathematicians in the world, covering many mathematical eras and fields.  

Pythagoras (570–495 BC) - He was the most well-known figure in Mathematics because of a theorem about right-angled triangles, however, it now seems the theorem probably existed before him. He is regarded as an important figure of Greek Mathematics, essentially the father of modern Mathematics because he elevated numbers to the status of the fundamentals of the universe.   

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Euclid (around 300 BC) - Known as the "Father of Geometry," his book "Elements" established the principles of Euclidean geometry. Even now, his logical proofs and axiomatic approach have a lasting impact on Mathematics.  

Hypatia (360–415 AD) - In the fourth century CE, Hypatia was a Greek Mathematician and scholar in the Alexandrian library. Her most significant contribution to science was an edited version of Euclid's The Elements, the most influential Greek Mathematical work. This version was standard for centuries.  

Aryabhata (476–550 AD) - Well-known for his contributions to Mathematics and astronomy, Aryabhata was an ancient Indian Mathematician and astronomer. In addition to creating trigonometric functions and precisely approximating the diameter of the Earth and π (pi), he also established the idea of zero.  

 Isaac Newton (1643–1727) - The scientific understanding of the cosmos was completely transformed by Newton's revolutionary contributions to Mathematics, Optics, and Mechanics. The foundation of classical mechanics is his principles of motion and universal gravitation.  

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) - Numerous areas of Mathematics, including calculus, number theory, graph theory, and topology, benefited from Euler's abundant contributions. Many of the terms and notations used in modern Mathematics were first introduced by him.  

Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749–1827) - The foundation for statistical inference and the Laplace transform was established by Laplace's contributions to probability theory and celestial mechanics.  

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) - Known as the "Prince of Mathematicians," Gauss produced important advances in differential geometry, algebra, and number theory. The discipline of mathematics was changed by his work on prime numbers and the Gaussian distribution.  
Evariste Galois (1811–1832) - Galois was a French mathematician who made important contributions to abstract lgebra and group theory. His contributions established the groundwork for Galois theory.  

Bernhard Riemann (1826–1866) - The development of Riemannian geometry and the theory of Riemann surfaces were made possible by Riemann's contributions to differential geometry and complex analysis.   
David Hilbert (1862–1943) - Hilbert produced significant advances in algebra, number theory, and mathematical logic, among other branches of mathematics. His renowned 1900 list of twenty-three open problems served as a roadmap for decades of mathematical research.   
Alan Turing (1912–1954) - The theoretical groundwork for computer science and artificial intelligence was established by Turing's research. Modern computing owes a great deal to his contributions to cryptography and the theory of Turing machines.  

Terence Tao (born in 1975) - Tao is a well-known mathematician who has made significant contributions to harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and combinatorics, among other fields of mathematics. He has won multiple honors for his innovative work, including the Fields Medal.  
Maryam Mirzakhani (1977–2017) - For her contributions to the fields of hyperbolic geometry and complex dynamics, Maryam Mirzakhani became the first female recipient of the Fields Medal. Her work on Teichmüller theory and the moduli space of Riemann surfaces has had a significant influence on mathematics.  

Math has been there forever. Many others have contributed to the world of Mathematics so that humankind can achieve what they have been able to achieve today in this field. The above are a few of the best mathematicians in the world but the credit of others is no less. Learn more with 98thPercentile.  

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