The Best Harry Potter Spells to Know for a Kahoot Challenge


Harry Potter series has been a favorite of most kids and adults alike. The books and the movies have their separate fan base and Potterheads are found worldwide. Are you up for a Kahoot challenge with Harry Potter trivia questions for your child? Having knowledge of Harry Potter spells can provide them with a magical advantage!  

Trivia Questions on Spells 

Learning these spells can make or break the game, from the popular ones that every fan loves to the complex ones that only real wizards can recall. This is a collection of spells, both well-known and obscure, that every fan must know! 

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Well-Known Spells to Learn 

Let’s know about some famous spells from the Harry Potter series which are extremely important to know- 


Also referred to as the Disarming Charm, Harry Potter personally favors this spell. It's employed to pry an opponent's wand from their grasp. Harry utilizes it frequently in the books, making it one of the most well-known spells. 

Expecto Patronum

Call upon a Patronus to protect you from Dementors with magic. For it to function, a strong positive memory is necessary. This is one of the trickier spells since it needs intense emotions and is very personal. 


This useful spell illuminates the tip of your wand like a spotlight, making it ideal for navigating in the dark. This is a very basic spell, yet any wizard should know it because it may be applied to so many different scenarios. 

Wingardium Leviosa

Hogwarts first-year students are taught this spell, which gives them the ability to make items hover. One of the first spells that Harry and his companions learn, it is well-known from the early books for Hermione's usage in saving the day against a mountain troll. 

Avada Kedavra

It is also referred to as the Killing Curse and is one of the three Unforgivable Curses. Dark wizards utilize it, and it results in instant death. Because of its lethal nature, it's one of the most feared spells in the wizarding realm and frequently appears as a highlight in Kahoot questions. 

Unfamous and Challenging Spells to Learn 
Let’s know about some lesser-known spells from the Harry Potter series that only true Potterheads are aware of- 


Professor Snape's evil spell leaves its victim with terrible wounds. Although it's not often discussed, this spell is quite potent due to its terrible effects. Being aware of this could help you with a challenging Kahoot question. 


The subject of this spell is lifted by their ankles and left hanging in midair. Since it's non-verbal, speaking is not necessary for it to function. Though difficult to learn, keeping it in mind might make it easier for you to respond to a challenging topic. 


This spell transforms Boggarts—creatures that assume the form of your greatest fear—into something comical when used against them. It's more difficult to learn than it is to enjoy since it calls for focus and a sharp sense of humor. 

Your child can win any Kahoot challenge if they are familiar with these Harry Potter spells. Having a proper understanding of the spells will help your child ace those tests and distinguish themselves as a true Potterhead. Encourage your child to take part in 98thPercentile’s Potterheads Kahoot 3.0 and show the world how big a fan they are! 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Q1: Which spell unlocks doors? 

Ans: Alohomora. 

Q2: Which spell causes immense pain? 

Ans: Crucio. 

Q3: Which spell stuns your opponent? 

Ans: Stupefy. 

Q4: Which spell makes object explode? 

Ans: Reducto. 

Q5: Which spell turns off illumination of wand? 

Ans: Nox. 

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