Addition and Subtraction of Integers: Rules, Examples

Addition and Subtraction

Comprehending the fundamentals of adding and subtracting whole numbers is crucial for being proficient in math and algebra. Whole numbers, which consist of zero, positive, and negative values, are called integers. This blog will walk you through the guidelines, offer illustrations, and help you understand these basic concepts.

Rules for Adding Integers

  1. Adding positive numbers: Just add the numbers in the same way as you would natural numbers.

Example: 4+8=12

  1.  Adding negative numbers: Add the absolute values of the numbers and then add a negative sign to the result.

Example: (-4) +(-8) =-12

  1. Adding a Positive and a Negative Integer: From the bigger absolute value, subtract the smaller absolute value. The number with the greater absolute value and the outcome have the same sign.

Example: (4) +(-8) =-4

Example: −5+9=4

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Rules for Subtracting Integers

1: Subtracting a Positive Integer

On the number line, you just move to the left when subtracting a positive integer.

Example: 10−3=7

2: Subtracting a Negative Integer

An integer's positive can be added while subtracting a negative integer.
Example: 6 −(−4)
Make the addition instead of the subtraction: 6 + 4 = 10

3: Subtracting a Positive Integer from a Negative Integer

Add the absolute values and maintain the negative sign when deducting a positive number from a negative number.

Example: −5−3

Add the absolute values: 5+3=8

The result is −8

Example Problems

  1. 15−6=9
  2. 7−(−3) =10
  3. −8−5

Add the absolute values: 8+5=13

The result is −13


Anyone hoping to establish a solid mathematical foundation must comprehend and become proficient in the addition and subtraction of integers. These foundational abilities are essential for both improving mathematically and resolving practical issues including measurements, data analysis, and financial computations.

You may get a strong understanding of how to manage both positive and negative numbers in a variety of scenarios by adhering to the fundamental guidelines and practicing frequently. Recall that the secret is to proceed cautiously, follow the guidelines precisely, and double-check your work.

With further experience, these operations will become more natural to you, and handling integers will become a simple and doable chore. You'll quickly discover that addition and subtracting numbers comes naturally to you if you practice enough and have patience. Happy studying!


Q1: What are integers?

Ans: Integers are whole numbers, including positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero. Examples of integers are -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.

Q2: How can I remember the rules easily?

Ans: Remember the rules by practicing with examples and visualizing the number line. Positive numbers move to the right, negative numbers move to the left, and adding integers of opposite signs involves subtraction of absolute values.

Q3: Why is it important to learn addition and subtraction of integers?

Ans: Understanding these operations is crucial for everyday tasks involving money, temperature changes, distances, and many other real-life scenarios where positive and negative quantities are involved.

Q4: How can I practice addition and subtraction of integers effectively?

Ans: Practice regularly using worksheets, online quizzes, or creating your own examples. Visualize scenarios where positive and negative numbers are used, such as gains and losses, temperatures, or elevations.

Q5: What if I still find it challenging?

Ans: If you're struggling, break down the problems step by step. Use the number line to visualize movements and always double-check your work to ensure accuracy.

Q6: Any final tips for mastering addition and subtraction of integers?

Ans: Patience and practice are key. Start with simple examples and gradually increase the complexity as you gain confidence. Don't hesitate to ask for help from teachers, peers, or online resources if you need further clarification.

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