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Elevating Education for Academic Excellence

Learn JavaScript: Online Course & Certification for Developer

Most popular web-based platforms like Amazon, e-bay, YouTube use JavaScript to build their products. Did you know JavaScript is the best programming language for web development?

All Rookie developers, you read it right! JavaScript is ranked as the most used programming language for the tenth year in a row. It is a high-level programming language used for building interactive and dynamic interfaces and is used by almost 10 million developers every day.

Learn JavaScript_ Online Course & Certification for Developers-1 (1)

98thPercentile introduced the most popular and demanding course of the real world to children from an early age. The curriculum is designed in a way that children are initially introduced to courses with basics and gradually the concepts and modules are levelled up which in turn results in levelling up the child’s programming skills.

In this course children will learn basics of JavaScript concepts like loops, arrays, conditionals, variables along with HTML and CSS.

Students are introduced to basic concepts initially and with each grade advancement the projects are upskilled. Find the details of course curriculum here:





Hangman Game with Java Script

The game is made in Node.js environment. Students also use topics of JS like Functions, Strings, Conditional Statements, Loops, and arrays.


Treasure hunt with Java Script

Students learn cardinal concepts of JavaScript like conditionals, loops, variables, etc. It also covers the basic concepts of HTML and CSS.


Snake game with Java Script

Students use variables, loops, conditional statements, events etc., along with HTML & CSS.


Advantages of JavaScript Certification for Kids:

Learning how to code has become an essential course for children in this digital era. Kids now a days are acquiring skills to develop their own web page or a game just by signing up for online programming courses. Upon finishing the course once they are certified they are far ahead compared to the kids of their age.

  • Kids are prepared for the future. They will be well equipped with the skill set that is required to understand technological innovations.
  • Along with JavaScript the student also learns HTML and CSS which shapes the kid into a proficient Web developer.
  • A student who finishes Java Script course gains a mindful of coding tactics and his foundation for other programming languages is laid strong.
  • Acquire skills that will stand out in resume for college application.

Why 98thPercentile for online JavaScript course

We show a well-crafted path to students on how to start their programming journey and we always hold our student's hand at each step they take to move ahead. We know what exactly we should give to our students.

Our experts in the field have designed an elite curriculum to make sure every child’s potential is brought out to the maximum.

Coding Program Features:

Class recordings

1:1 parent counselling

1:1 Catch-Up

Show & Tell

Module Specific


  • Do you wish to become a full stack developer?
  • Are you someone who wants to become an expert in web development?
  • Do you want to develop your own game?

If all the above questions are your wishes, then 98thPercentile fulfills every wish of yours. Do you want your child to be the next coding giant then 98thPercentile is the go-to destination platform.

Learn JavaScript

What will your kid learn?

The child will learn the most used programming language by web developers.

Alongside the child will also learn:

  • Problem solving skills.
  • Experience real world projects.
  • Understands technology.
  • Gets better with mathematics.
  • Develops confidence, patience and most importantly perseverance.
  • Child will be ready to choose a career in programming.

What will your kid learn?

The child will learn the most used programming language by web developers.

Alongside the child will also learn:

  • Problem solving skills.
  • Experience real world projects.
  • Understands technology.
  • Gets better with mathematics.
  • Develops confidence, patience and most importantly perseverance.
  • Child will be ready to choose a career in programming.

Who should learn this Java Script course?

Children who wish to start their programming journey from an early age can start initially with JavaScript. Irrespective of what grade they are in, they can enroll and start experiencing real world tech projects.

It means creating, developing and maintaining websites which also includes web designing, programming and managing databases.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the basic main technologies used in website development.
Yes using this certificate on resume will get you recognized with extra skill set in tech world.
Certification course will teach coding skills and improve problem solving skills and increase career opportunities
Yes, upon finishing the curriculum you are given a certificate and promoted to further grade.